Laser interaction and related plasma phenomena : 13th international conference, Monterey, CA April 1997 /
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Meeting name: | International Workshop on Laser Interactions and Related Plasma Phenomena (13th : 1997 : Monterey, CA) |
Imprint: | New York : American Institute of Physics, c1997. |
Description: | liv, 708 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. |
Language: | English |
Series: | AIP conference proceedings ; 406 AIP conference proceedings ; no. 406. |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | |
Table of Contents:
- 30 Years of LIRPP / Heinrich Hora
- Teller Award Presentation and Keynote Address / Edward Teller
- High Intensity Lasers and the Road to Ignition / M. H. Key
- ICF Related Research at MPQ / J. Meyer-ter-Vehn
- The Long Way Towards Inertial Fusion Energy / G. Velarde
- Monte Carlo Methods in ICF / G. B. Zimmerman
- Status of the US Inertial Fusion Program and the National Ignition Facility / D. H. Crandall
- Directions of ICF Research in the United States / W. J. Hogan and E. M. Campbell
- OMEGA Experimental Program and Recent Results / W. Seka, A. Babushkin and T. R. Boehly [et al.]
- Time-Implicit Fluid/Particle Hybrid Simulations of the Anode Plasma Dynamics in Ion Diodes / T. D. Pointon, O. Boine-Frankenheim and T. A. Mehlhorn
- Progress in the CAEP ICF Program / H. S. Peng
- Development of Inertial Fusion Energy / S. Nakai, K. Mima and Y. Kitagawa [et al.]
- Thomson Scattering from Inertial Confinement Fusion Plasmas / S. H. Glenzer, C. A. Back and L. J. Suter [et al.]
- Interaction of Flows of Laser Ablation Plasmas / O. N. Derkach, V. N. Anisimov and V. Y. Baranov [et al.]
- The Effect of Increased Irradiation Uniformity on Imprinting by 351-nm Laser Light / T. R. Boehly, V. A. Smalyuk and D. D. Meyerhofer [et al.]
- Scattering of Laser Radiation at the Heating of Low-Density Foam Targets / S. Yu. Guskov, Yu. S. Kas'anov and M. O. Koshevoi [et al.]
- Plasma Formation Dynamics for Laser Interaction with Near Critical Foam Matter / S. Yu. Guskov, Yu. S. Kas'anov and M. O. Koshevoi [et al.]
- Foam-Buffered Laser-Matter Interactions / R. J. Mason, R. A. Kopp and H. X. Vu [et al.]
- Ignition and Burn Dynamics of Low-Temperature Ignition D-T Targets / T. Johzaki, Y. Nakao and M. Murakami [et al.]
- The Theoretical Works on ICF Problem Carried Out at VNIITF / E. N. Avrorin, V. A. Lykov and A. N. Shushlebin [et al.]
- Fast Ignitor with Long-Range DT Ion Energy Deposition Leading to Volume Ignition / H. Hora, H. Azechi and S. Eliezer [et al.]
- The Interaction Physics of the Fast Ignitor Concept / C. Deutsch, H. Furukawa and K. Mima [et al.]
- Hypervelocity Jets from Conical Hollow-Charges / P. M. Velarde, J. M. Martinez-Val and S. Eliezer [et al.]
- Hohlraum Targets Driven by Cluster Ion Beams for Inertial Confinement Fusion / C. Deutsch, N. A. Tahir and O. Geb [et al.]
- On Impact Fusion / F. Winterberg
- Jet-Ignited Indirect-Drive Inertial Fusion Targets / J. M. Martinez-Val, S. Eliezer and M. Piera [et al.]
- Systematic Analysis of Advanced Fusion Fuel in Inertial Fusion Energy / G. Velarde, S. Eliezer and Z. Henis [et al.]
- Volume Compression Targets and Self-Triggered Ignition / J. M. Martinez-Val, S. Eliezer and M. Piera [et al.]
- The Volume Ignition for ICF Ignition Target / Y. S. Li, X. T. He and M. Yu
- Agreement of Measured Fusion Gains with the Self-Similarity Model and Volume Ignition for NIF Conditions / H. Hora, H. Azechi and Y. Kitagawa [et al.]
- Adiabatic Focusing and Channel Transport for Heavy Ion Fusion / A. Tauschwitz, S. S. Yu and R. O. Bangerter [et al.]
- Pre-formed Plasma Channels for Ion Beam Fusion / R. R. Peterson and C. L. Olson
- Charge Compensated Ion Beam Propagation in a Reactor-Sized Chamber / J. L. Vay and C. Deutsch
- Effect of a Laser Ablation Plasma on Dynamics of a Laser Absorption Wave in a Gas / V. N. Anisimov, V. G. Grishina and O. N. Derkach [et al.]
- Single-Mode Rayleigh-Taylor Growth-Rate Measurements with the OMEGA Laser System / J. P. Knauer, C. P. Verdon and D. D. Meyerhofer [et al.]
- Feedthrough and Dynamic Stabilization in Convergent Geometry / R. Betti, V. N. Goncharov and R. L. McCrory [et al.]
- Comparative Studies of the Weakly Nonlinear Evolution of Hydrodynamic Interface Instabilities in 2D and 3D / M. Berning, S. G. Glendinning and J. Kane [et al.]
- Simulations of Linear and Nonlinear Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Under High Atwood Numbers / C. Choi, N. M. Hoffman and M. R. Clover [et al.]
- Advanced Iodine Laser for High Intensity Interactions / S. M. Kulikov, Y. V. Dolgopolov and A. M. Dudov [et al.]
- Pulse-Shaping on the OMEGA Laser System / R. L. Keck, A. V. Okishev and M. D. Skeldon [et al.]
- Investigation of Thermal Lensing in Nuclear Pumped Lasers / M. Petra and G. H. Miley
- Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Gaseous Laser Pumped by a Twin-Core, Fast Burst Reactor / A. P. Barzilov, M. V. Bokhovko and A. V. Gulevich [et al.]
- Two-Dimensional Simulations of the Population Inversion in Recombining Laser-Produced Plasma / V. C. Roerich, A. N. Starostin and A. E. Stepanov
- Modeling of the He-like Magnesium Spectral Lines Radiation from the Plasma Created by XeCl and Nd-glass Lasers / A. E. Stepanov, A. N. Starostin and V. C. Roerich [et al.]
- The Influence of Quantum Interference on Spontaneous Emission / V. I. Savchenko, A. A. Panteleev and A. N. Starostin
- Femtosecond Laser Pulse Generation by a Stimulated Raman Backscattering in a Foil Target / K. Mima, M. M. Skoric and S. Miyamoto [et al.]
- The "Progress-P" 30 TW-Picosecond Nd:Glass Facility / E. G. Borodin, A. V. Charukchev and V. N. Chernov [et al.]
- Spectral Compression of Picosecond Pulses by Means of Cross-Phase Modulation / A. V. Zohrabyan, A. A. Kutuzian and V. J. Ninoyan [et al.]
- Photoelectron Observations of Enhanced Double Ionisation of Helium by 120 fs Laser Pulses at 800 nm / B. W. Boreham, P. R. Bolton and D. S. Newman [et al.]
- Relativistic Self-Focusing in Underdense Plasma / M. D. Feit, J. C. Garrison and A. Komashko [et al.]
- High-Order K[alpha] Emission from Plasmas Driven by Ultrashort Laser Pulses / P. Hakel, A. Shlyaptseva and R. C. Mancini [et al.]
- Experimental Study on Underdense Plasma Production with an Ultra Intense Laser Pulse / K. Koyama, M. Tanimoto and A. Yaoita [et al.]
- Absorption and Fast Ion Generation in TW-Picosecond Laser-Plasma Experiments / V. M. Komarov, V. G. Borodin and A. V. Charukchev [et al.]
- The X-ray Measurements at Picosecond Laser Facility PROGRESS-P / A. L. Zapysov, V. G. Borodin and O. N. Gilev [et al.]
- The ERA-Code Simulation of Plasma Kinetics and Non-Equilibrium Radiation Transfer at Ultra-Short Laser Pulse Interaction with Matter / N. G. Karlykhanov, I. V. Glazyrin and V. A. Lykov [et al.]
- The Simulation of Hard X-ray Generation at Ultra-Short Laser Pulse Interaction with High-Z Targets / V. A. Lykov, V. E. Chernyakov and A. A. Chikulaev [et al.]
- The PM2D Code Simulation of Electronic Dynamics and Electromagnetic Fields Generation by Ultra-short Laser Pulses Interaction with Matter / I. A. Litvinenko and V. A. Lykov
- Ultrashort Pulses for Impulse Generation in Laser Propulsion Applications / C. R. Phipps
- Electron Injection and Acceleration by Colliding Laser Pulses in Plasmas / E. Esarey, R. F. Hubbard and A. Ting [et al.]
- Free Wave Laser Acceleration of Electrons and Consequences for the Umstadter Experiment / H. Hora, W. Scheid and T. Hauser [et al.]
- High Intensity Femtosecond Laser Interactions with Thin Films / L. A. Gizzi, J. P. Chamberet and G. Cheriaux [et al.]
- Modeling of the Multi-Charged Ion Emission from the Laser-Produced Plasma / J. Wolowski, J. Farny and L. Laska [et al.]
- High-Efficiency Frequency Conversion Up to X-ray Range by Colliding Photon-Particle Beams / L. A. Rivlin
- Development and Diagnostics of Revised Ion Beam Analyzer, Ion or Laser Produced Plasmas and X-ray Pre-Ionizer for Gas Lasers / K. Kasuya, M. Watanabe and T. Kamiya [et al.]
- Laser-Driven Ion Sources for Metal Ion Implantation for the Reduction of Dry Friction / F. P. Boody, L. Juha and B. Kralikova [et al.]
- Numerical Simulation of Spontaneous Magnetic Fields in Laser Produced Plasma Jets Using MAG Code / O. V. Diyankov, I. V. Glazyrin and S. V. Koshelev [et al.]
- Instability of High-Power Light Field in Low-Q Nonabsorbing Dielectric Microsphere / M. N. Libenson and V. E. Gruzdev
- Polarization State of Low-Order High-Power Gaussian Beams in Nonlinear Isotropic Dielectric / V. E. Gruzdev and M. N. Libenson
- Residual Energy and Space Charge Effect / B. He, T.-q. Chang and S.-g. Chen [et al.]
- The Estimations of Electron-Positron Pairs Production at the High-Intensity Laser Interactions with Matter / D. A. Gryaznykh, Ya. Z. Kandiev and V. A. Lykov
- Laser-Produced Highly-Charged Ions of Heavy Elements / L. Laska, B. Kralikova and J. Krasa [et al.]
- The Significance of a New Correspondence Principle for Electromagnetic Interaction in Strong Optical Field Ionisation / B. W. Boreham and H. Hora
- Ring Whirl Radiative Structures After Laser Breakdown in Noble Gases / A. V. Filippov, D. A. Mazalov and A. F. Pal [et al.]
- Experimental Evidence of the Inverse Faraday Effect in Laser-Plasma Interaction and a Miniature Magnetic Bottle / S. Eliezer, Y. Horovitz and Z. Henis [et al.]
- Highly Charged (z-50) High Energy Tungsten and Lead Ions from Laser Plasma Measured with Thomson Parabola Ion Spectrograph / W. Mroz, M. Pfeifer and L. Laska [et al.]
- On a Possibility of Precise Measurement of Refraction Index of a Transparent Liquid / N. L. Margaryan and Kh. V. Nerkararyan
- Systematic Investigation of NLTE Phenomena in the Limit of Small Departures from LTE / S. B. Libby, F. R. Graziani and R. M. More [et al.]
- Supernova-relevant Hydrodynamic Instability Experiments on the Nova Laser / J. Kane, D. Arnett and B. A. Remington [et al.]
- A Critical Phenomenon for the Spall Strength in Aluminum at Strain Rates Larger than 10[superscript 7] s[superscript -1] / S. Eliezer, E. Moshe and A. Ludmirsky [et al.]
- The Use of Hohlraums to Measure the Physical Properties of Planetary Materials / P. Hammerling and J. L. Remo
- Nova Experiments to Simulate the Interactions of SN1987A with Circumstellar Matter / E. P. Liang, R. London and B. A. Remington [et al.]
- Observation of X-ray Emission Differences Heating by High Power and X-ray Pulses / W. Miao, H. He and Z. Liu [et al.].