Review by Choice Review
With the national emphasis on community involvement in reading programs, this guidebook of techniques to use with emergent and early readers may be useful for volunteer reading tutors. Like how-to books generally, it is focused on a specific purpose and has a specific audience in mind. Utilizing some of the principles and strategies of "reading recovery," it emphasizes helping children develop phonic awareness. The techniques seem plausible and have reportedly been successful in a large-scale program in Charlottesville, Virginia. Step-by-step instructions provide assistance for volunteers and coordinators. There are many forms in the appendixes that may be reproduced with the publisher's permission, and a list of resources includes information about training videos. This volume is for specialized education collections and practitioners rather than the general academic library. S. Sugarman; Bennington College
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by School Library Journal Review
Developed in response to the literacy research that led to the federal initiative known as the America Reads Challenge, this volume presents just about everything anyone needs to begin a reading tutorial program. Originated in Charlottesville, VA, Book Buddies was "the first large-scale model" to mobilize volunteers as part of a collaborative effort using public school, university, and community expertise, and is intended to be replicated by other school-based programs. A strong rationale for the use of volunteers, detailed duties for a volunteer coordinator, and specific training to be used with volunteers are included. Assessment tools and organizational tips for tutors together with reproducible materials to use with students are also provided. The approach is reasonable, suggesting that, in addition to phonics practice, tutors use both series (those designed with limited vocabulary for beginning readers) and other trade books. The fairly broad list of titles includes reading levels (according to "reading recovery" teachers). This very practical guide will find its audience among those who are working with emergent readers in any situation.-Maria B. Salvadore, District of Columbia Public Library (c) Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
Review by Choice Review
Review by School Library Journal Review