Five sermons : viz. The first on Septemb. 30. 1711. From Psal. 73. 1. Being the last deliver'd in the Old Meeting-House, which was burnt, October 2d. 1711. The second from Lam. 3. 51. At the South Meeting-House in Boston, on Octob. 7. 1711. Being the first Lords-Day after the fire. The third on Decemb. 18. 1711. From Psal. 26. 8. Being on a fast, kept by the Old Church: occasion'd by the burning of their meeting-house. The fourth on May 3. 1713. From Hag. 2. 9. Being the first in the Brick Meeting-House, where the former was burnt. The fifth on Nov. 12. 1713. From Zech. 4. 7. A thanksgiving sermon, for God's goodness in providing a new meeting-house for the Old Church. With a preface, giving some account of the fire, Octob. 2. 1711. By Benjamin Wadsworth, A.M. Pastor of a church in Boston, N.E. [One line from Psalms].
by: Wadsworth, Benjamin, 1670-1737
Published: (1714)