State of Vermont, Windsor County, to the constable of the town of [blank] in said county, greeting: : In the name and by the authority of the freemen of the state of Vermont, you are hereby commanded forthwith to repair to the town-clerk's office, in said [blank] and in the presence of said clerk draw out of the box two of the names of the petit-jury, chosen by said town for the present year; and summon said jury-men so drawn, to attend the County Court, to be holden at Windsor, within and for the County of Windsor, on the last Tuesday of [blank] instant--said jury-men to attend on Wednesday the second day of said court, at 8 o'clock forenoon. Hereof fail not, and make due return of your doings hereon, according to law.--Dated at Windsor, this [blank] day of [blank] anno Domini, 17[blank] [blank] Clerk.
Published: (1788)