The mirror of stones : In which the nature, generation, properties, virtues and various species of more than 200 different jewels, precious and rare stones, are distinctly described. Also certain and insallible rules to know the good from the bad, how to prove their genuineness, and to distinguish the real from counterseits. Extracted from the works of Aristotle, Pliny, Isiodorus, Dionysius Alexandrinus, Albertus Magnus, &c. By Camillus Leonardus, M.D. a treatise of infinite use, not only to jewellers, lapidaries, and merchants who trade in them, but to the nobility and gentry, who purchase them either for curiosity, use, or ornament. Dedicated by the author to Cs̆ar Borgia. Now first translated into English.
by: Leonardi, Camillo, active 1502
Published: (1750)