ENAM 98 : Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses : Bellaire, Michigan, June 1998 /
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Meeting name: | International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses (1998 : Bellaire, Michigan) |
Imprint: | Woodbury, New York : American Institute of Physics, c1998. |
Description: | xxvi, 1054 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/3612788 |
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Committees and Sponsors
- Masses, Moments, and Radii
- Mass Measurements with a Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer at ISOLDE
- Experiments with Stored Relativistic Exotic Nuclei
- Self-Consistent Microscopic Approaches to Nuclear Masses
- Atomic Mass Knowledge: 1999 Status
- Single Particle Behaviour at (and away from) Stability
- Persistence of the N=28 Shell Closure Far from Stability
- Recent Measurements of Nuclear Moments Far from Stability
- Nuclear Moments of Exotic Nuclear States Studied with Level Mixing Techniques
- Isospin Nonconserving Effects in Light, T[subscript z]=-3/2 Nuclei
- On-line Laser Spectroscopy of Refractory Radioisotopes at the JYFL IGISOL Facility
- Large Odd-Even Staggering in the Very Light Platinum Isotopes from Laser Spectroscopy
- Nuclear Radii of [superscript 14]Be and [superscript 17,19]B
- Mass Measurement in the fp-Shell Using the TOFI Spectrometer
- Application of the Laser Ion Source for Isotope Shift and Hyperfine Structure Investigations
- Mass Extrapolations in the Region of Deformed Rare Earth Nuclei
- Mass Measurements of Proton-Rich Medium Mass Nuclides
- [superscript 208]Pb Neutron Density: A Mean Field Problem?
- Measurement of the Magnetic Moments of [superscript 7]Be and of the Halo Nucleus [superscript 11]Be
- Nuclear Mass Formula with the Shell Energies Obtained by a New Method
- Interaction Radii of Proton-Rich Radioactive Nuclei at A=60-80
- Recent Mass Predictions in the Infinite Nuclear Matter Model
- Spectroscopic Applications of the ISOLDE Laser Ion Source
- Status of the Canadian Penning Trap Mass Spectrometer at the Argonne National Laboratories
- Correlation Parameters in Nuclear Binding Energies
- The Magnetic and Quadrupole Moment of Oriented Nuclei Measured with the [beta]-LMR-NMR
- [beta]-NMR Measurement of the Nuclear Quadrupole Moments of [superscript 20,26-31]Na
- The Wigner Term in Heavy Nuclei
- Isotope Shifts of Optical Transitions of Kr I Using Collinear Fast Beam Laser Spectroscopy
- Nuclei at the Drip Lines
- Exploration Beyond the Proton Drip-Line
- Status of Neutron Drip-Line Nuclei
- Probing Halo Structures with Breakup Reactions
- Studies of Excited States in [superscript 11]Li. Spectroscopy of [superscript 7]He
- Study of Exotic Nuclei by Proton Scattering in Inverse Kinematics
- Energy and Angular Correlations in Peripheral Fragmentation of Halo Nuclei
- Coulomb Excitation of Exotic Nuclei and Segmented Germanium Detectors
- Spectroscopy of [superscript 25]Al and [superscript 26,27,28]P Using High-Energy Stripping Reactions
- Coulomb Dissociation of [superscript 19]C
- New Evidence for Parity Inversion in [superscript 10]Li from [superscript 9]Li and [gamma]-Ray Coincidences
- Sizes of the He Isotopes Deduced from Proton Elastic Scattering Measurements
- New Neutron-Rich Isotope [superscript 31]F and Particle Instability of [superscript 25]N and [superscript 28]O
- Study of [superscript 11]Be Structure via the p([superscript 11]Be, [superscript 10]Be)d Reaction
- Measurement of the E1 Strength Function of [superscript 11]Be
- Do the Excited States in the System of Two Neutrons Exist?
- Continuum Excitations in Neutron-Rich Oxygen Isotopes
- Visualizing [superscript 11]N by Resonance Reactions
- Proton Decay Studies at HRIBF
- Probing the Nuclear Structure of [superscript 8]B and [superscript 19]C
- Measurement of Parentage in Stripping Reactions of Halo Nuclei
- On the Road to Doubly-Magic [superscript 48]Ni
- Toward a Complete Picture of [superscript 11]Be Interaction with Silicon
- Deformation Dependence of Proton Decay Rates and Angular Distributions in a Time-Dependent Approach
- Evidence for 2p-Radioactivity in [superscript 17]Ne
- Cross-Section Studies of Light Exotic Nuclei
- New Insight in Halo Fragmentation
- Spacial Probability Distribution of Nucleons and Nuclear Binding-Energy Losses in [superscript 6]He and [superscript 8]He Associated with Halo Formation
- Density-Dependent Pairing in Nuclei Far from Stability
- Semimicroscopic Calculations of Total Reaction Cross Sections for Light Exotic Nuclei
- Nolen-Schiffer Anomaly and Atomic Masses
- Exotic Molecular and Halo States in [superscript 12,14]Be
- Resonance Scattering to Study Nuclei at the Borders of Nuclear Stability
- Final-State Interactions in the System [superscript 8]He+n
- Neutron Angular Distributions from the Core Break-Up Reactions of the [superscript 11]Be and [superscript 11]Li Halo Nuclei
- The Description of Exotic Nuclei Elastic Scattering in the Framework of Glauber Model with Non-Eikonal Corrections
- Two-Neutron Removal Reactions for Three-Body Halo Nuclei
- Phase Equivalent Potentials for Three-Body Halos
- Angular Correlation in Breakup of Three-Body Halo Nuclei
- Study of the Unbound Nucleus [superscript 11]N by the [superscript 12]C([superscript 14]N, [superscript 15]C) [superscript 11]N Transfer Reaction
- Survey of the Beta-Strength of the Halo Nucleus [superscript 11]Li
- Shell-Quenching in the Infinite Nuclear Matter Model
- Half-Life Measurements of [superscript 31,32]Ne
- Elastic Transfer in [superscript 4]He ([superscript 6]He, [superscript 6]He) [superscript 4]He
- Proton Radioactivity from Highly Deformed Nuclei
- Quasifree Scattering of Neutron in [superscript 11]Li from Deuteron
- Proton Decay of the Closed Neutron Shell Nucleus [superscript 155]Ta
- Nuclear Structure and Shapes
- Exotic Nuclei from a Theoretical Perspective
- Monte Carlo Shell Model Calculations for Exotic Nuclei
- Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Light Nuclei
- Superdeformation and Smooth Band Termination in A[similar]60 Nuclei
- In-Beam [gamma]-Ray Spectroscopy in the Vicinity of [superscript 100]Sn
- Nuclear Structure Information from Recoil Decay Tagging Experiments
- Microsecond Isomers Studies
- Shell-Model Monte Carlo Studies of Nuclei Far from Stability
- In-Beam [gamma]-Ray Spectroscopy in the Ground-State Proton Emitter [superscript 113]Cs
- Probing the Structure of the N=Z=31 Nucleus [superscript 62][subscript 31] Ga
- Decay of Very Neutron-Rich Mn Nuclides and Vanishing of the N=40 Subshell Closure in [superscript 66]Fe
- Fine Structure in the Alpha-Decay of the Neutron-Deficient [superscript 191]Po Isotope
- Total Coulomb Excitation Cross Section Measurements of Radioactive Nuclear Beams in Low Energy Inverse Kinematics
- Spectroscopy of N=82,83 [superscript 136,137]Xe Isotopes from [superscript 248]Cm Fission
- Alpha Decay of the h[subscript 9/2] Ground and s[subscript 1/2] Intruder States in Light Bi and At Isotopes
- Elastic and Inelastic Proton Scattering on the Unstable [superscript 20]O Nucleus Measured with the "Must" Detector Array
- The Isomeric Cross Section Ratios (ICSR) Method at the Investigation of the Role of Isospin at the Population Compound States Cloused Yrast Band in the Nuclear Reactions with Neutron Heavy Ions
- Evolution of Collective Motion in Light Polonium Nuclei
- Inelastic Proton Scattering on the Radioactive Nuclei [superscript 18]Ne and [superscript 20]O in Inverse Kinematics
- Interplay Between Nuclear Structure and Reaction Mechanism in the Production of Projectile-like Short-lived Isomers
- Mass Dependence of the Effective Isovector Charge in the sd-Shell
- On the Q[subscript [beta]]-Puzzle Near [superscript 132]Sn
- High-Spin States in [superscript 71]As, [superscript 72]Se, and [superscript 72]Br
- Analysis of the Elastic [superscript 6]Li+[superscript 12]C Scattering: Energy Dependence, "Abnormal Dispersion" and Dynamic Polarization Potential
- Symmetry Structure in Neutron Deficient Xenon Nuclei
- Fragmentation of Alpha-Cluster States in [superscript 32]S. Bozonization
- Identification of [superscript 162]Gd and a New Type of Identical Bands
- A Fully Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov Approach for Deformed Nuclei
- Decay Studies of Neutron-Rich A[approximate]70 Nuclei Produced by Fragmentation of 70 MeV/A [superscript 76]Ge Projectiles
- In-Beam Coulomb-Excitation Studies of Odd-A v(fp)- and [pi](sd)-Shell Nuclei
- [beta]-Decay Half-Lives of New Neutron-Rich Lanthanide Isotopes
- Conversion Electron Measurements in [superscript 125, 127]Ba
- Fusion Reactions of Deformed Nuclei Near Coulomb Barriers
- Properties of Two Neutron-Hole [superscript 130]Sn and Two Neutron-Particle [superscript 134]Sn
- Study of the First Excited K[superscript [pi]]=0[superscript +] Band in [superscript 162]Dy
- Shape Coexistence in the Light Po Isotopes
- Fine Structure in [superscript 192]Po [alpha]-Decay and Shape Coexistence in [superscript 188]Pb
- Some Regularities in the Production of Isotopes in [superscript 32,34,36]S-Induced Reactions in the Energy Range 6-75 A MeV
- Study of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Near the N=20 Neutron Closed Shell
- Spectroscopy of Neutron Rich Nuclei in the Vicinity of N=20
- Single-Particle and Cluster Levels in [superscript 107,108,109]Sn Populated in the Decay of [superscript 107,108,109]Sb
- Production and Identification of New, Neutron-Rich Nuclei in the [superscript 208]Pb Region
- Deformation Change Between Isomeric and Ground States in the [superscript 184]Au and [superscript 183]Pt Isotones
- Coulomb Excitation of a [superscript 78]Rb Radioactive Beam
- Magnetic Dipole Bands in [superscript 82]Rb, [superscript 83]Rb and [superscript 84]Rb
- Proton Scattering on [superscript 40]S
- Decay Properties of Ground-State and Isomer of [superscript 103]In
- Low-Energy Structure of Neutron-Rich S, Cl and Ar Nuclides Through [beta] Decay
- Coulomb Excitation of [superscript 56]Ni
- New Signatures of Phase Transitional Behavior in Nuclei
- Extraction of Cluster Spectroscopic Factors from Anomalous Large-Angle Scattering of [superscript 3]He and [alpha]-Particles
- New Elements Produced at GSI
- The FLNR (JINR) Experiments on Synthesis of Superheavy Nuclei with [superscript 48]Ca Beam
- Stability of the Heaviest Elements
- Fission Studies of Nuclei Far from Stability
- Structure of Neutron-Rich Nuclei and Rare Processes in Spontaneous Fission of [superscript 252]Cf
- Fission Processes in [superscript 238]U-Collisions on Pb and Be Targets at Relativistic Energies
- Proton and Cluster Radioactivity and Nucleus Shapes
- Fission of Nuclei with Z=102-112 Produced in Reactions with [superscript 22]Ne and [superscript 48]Ca Ions
- Study of the High-j States in [superscript 249]Cm
- Experiments on Projectile Fission and Fragmentation Relevant for Accelerator-Driven Systems
- Neutron-Rich Nuclei Produced in Intermediate Energy Fission
- Identification of [mu]s Isomers in Fission Products
- Systematics of Calculated Cold-Fusion Barriers for Reactions Leading to Compound Systems from Z=104 to Z=126
- The Berkeley Gas-Filled Separator
- Fragment Angular Momentum and Descent Dynamics in [superscript 252]Cf Spontaneous Fission
- Angular Momentum Effects in Multimodal Fission of [superscript 226]Th
- Early and Current Stability Predictions for Nuclei Near Z=110 and N=162
- Beta Decay and Fundamental Measurements
- Limits on Physics Beyond the Standard Model Using Exotic Beams
- Beta Strength Distribution in Neutron-Deficient Nuclei
- Superallowed Fermi Beta Decay
- Indication for Superallowed Fermi Decay from the N=Z Nuclei [superscript 78]Y, [superscript 82]Nb, [superscript 86]Tc
- Beta-Decay Strength and Isospin Mixing Studies in the sd and fp-Shells
- The Mechanism of [beta]-Delayed Two-Proton Emission in [superscript 31]Ar
- Spectroscopy of [superscript 22,23,24]Si and [superscript 22]Al
- Beta Decay of Neutron-Rich Cobalt and Nickel Isotopes
- Is There a [beta]3p Branch in the Decay of [superscript 31]Ar?
- Progresses in Statistical Analysis of [beta]-Delayed Proton Emission
- Beta-Decay of [superscript 97]Ag: Evidence for the Gamow-Teller Resonance Near [superscript 100]Sn
- Charge-Exchange Reactions with a Radioactive Triton Beam
- Beta-Decay of [superscript 103]In Studied by Using a Total Absorption Spectrometer
- Decays of Very Neutron-Rich Fission Products [superscript 113]Ru and [superscript 113]Rh
- Structure Studies of Nuclear Systems Close to the Doubly-Magic [superscript 132]Sn Using Advanced [beta][superscript -]-Spectroscopy
- Deformation Signature from the Gamow-Teller Decay of N=Z Nuclei
- Gamow-Teller Strength in the f[subscript 7/2]-Nuclei [superscript 54]Co and [superscript 42]Sc Studied Through the Beta Decay of [superscript 54]Ni and [superscript 42]Ti
- Statistical Deliberations for Exotic Nuclei
- The Beta-Delayed Proton Decay of [superscript 23]Al
- Delayed Neutron Emission in the Semi-Gross Theory of Nuclear [beta]-Decay
- The GT Resonance Revealed in [beta][superscript +]-Decay Using New Experimental Techniques
- Gamow-Teller Decay of Even Isotopes [superscript 68]Ni to [superscript 78]Ni
- Nuclear Astrophysics
- The rp-Process in X-Ray Bursts
- New Information on r-Process Nuclei
- Explosive Nucleosynthesis and the Astrophysical r-Process
- Review of Radioactive Beam Nuclear Astrophysics Experiments
- Direct Measurements of the [superscript 7]Be (p, [gamma]) [superscript 8]B Reaction Cross Section
- Measurement of the [superscript 7]Be (p, [gamma]) [superscript 8]B Cross-Section with an Implanted [superscript 7]Be Target
- Determination of S[subscript 17](0) from Transfer Reactions
- Determining the Astrophysical S[subscript 17] with Transfer Reactions
- High Energy Coulomb Breakup Experiments for Nuclear Astrophysics
- Measurement of E2 Transitions in the Coulomb Dissociation of [superscript 8]B
- Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients for [superscript 14]N[right arrow][superscript 13C]C + and [superscript 10]B[right arrow][superscript 9]Be+p
- Extrapolation of the Astrophysical S Factor for [superscript 7]Be (p, [gamma]) [superscript 8]B to Solar Energies
- Beta-Decay of [superscript 40]Ti and Its Implication for Solar-Neutrino Detection
- Study of the d ([superscript 7]Be, [superscript 8]B)n Reaction
- Status of the LOREX: Geochemical [superscript 205]TI Solar Neutrino Experiment
- Experimental Developments and Radioactive Beams
- New Results from Advances in ISOL Techniques
- REXTRAP, an Ion Buncher for REX-ISOLDE
- Status of RNB Facilities in Europe
- Status of RIB Facilities in Asia
- Status of RNB Facilities in North America
- Possibilities for the Production of Neutron-Rich Isotopes
- A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Ion Beam Buncher for ISOLTRAP
- New Approach to the Analysis of Total Absorption Spectra
- The ISAC Radioactive Beams Facility in Canada: Progress and Plans
- EXOGAM: A [gamma]-Ray Spectrometer for Exotic Beams
- Cooling, Bunching and Isobar Separation of Radioactive Ion Beams at IGISOL
- Enhancement of the Radiative Transitions Between the Ground and the 3.5-eV Isomer States in the Hydrogen-Like [superscript 229]Th[superscript 89+] Ion
- On-line Separation of Short-Lived Beryllium Isotopes
- MISTRAL: The Beginning of a New Mass Measurement Program at ISOLDE
- BEARS: Radioactive Ion Beams at LBNL
- The Use of (d,xn) Reactions: RIB Production and Energy Generation
- Concluding Remarks
- Concluding Remarks
- ENAM98 Scientific Program
- List of Participants
- Author Index