Summary: | -- Presents coverage of 16 ethnic and cultural groups in North America in the book and 11 more on a computer disk packaged with the book, for a total of 27 groups covered<br>-- Organizing framework provides coherence for the culture-specific chapters and teaches students how to perform cultural assessments <br>-- The organizing framework is presented in table form to assist users in collecting information about cultures not addressed in the book<br>-- The foundation of the book is a 12-step organizational structure for examining any culture from a healthcare perspective: inhabited localities, topography, and overview; biocultural ecology; high-risk behaviors; communications; nutrition; family roles and organization; pregnancy and childbearing practices; healthcare practices; spirituality; healthcare practitioners; death rituals; workforce issues<br>-- Case studies, study questions, and a list of key works appear in each culture-specific chapter; the key words for each chapter are defined in the book's glossary