An Historical description of Westminster Abbey, its monuments, and curiosities, : Containing I. An account of its foundation and consecration. II. The various changes it has undergone. III. A general view of all the monuments erected therein; with an abstract of their inscriptions. IV. Copies of the best English epitaphs, and translations of the Latin. V. Characters, anecdotes, and memoirs of the lives of the Kings, &c. interred in the Abbey. VI. Observations on the beauty and propriety of the respective monuments. VII. A particular description of Henry the VIIth's chapel, with its ornaments. VIII. A general view of the cloisters; with copies of several inscriptions there. IX. Translations of the Hebrew, Ethiopic, and Greek Epitaphs on the tombs of Sir Samuel Moreland's two wives, never before attempted. Designed chiefly as a guide to strangers.
Published: (1800)