Summary: | With a riotously colorful cast of highbrows, cowpokes, and rodeo queens, in its wry humor, tenderness, and epic panorama, Moving On is a celebration of our land by Larry McMurtry, one of America's best-loved authors.<br> <br> Moving On is a big, powerful novel about men and women in the American West. Set in the 1960s against the backdrop of the honky-tonk glamour of the rodeo and the desperation of suburban Houston, it is the story of the restless and lovable Patsy Carpenter, one of Larry McMurtry's most unforgettable characters.<br> <br> Patsy--young, beautiful, with a sharp tongue and an irresistible charm--and her shiftless husband, Jim, are adrift in the West. Patsy moves through affairs of the heart like small towns--there's Pete, the rodeo clown, and Hank, the graduate student, and others--always in search of the life that seems ever receding around the next bend. Moving On is vintage McMurtry.