Review by Choice Review
Intended to access a person's nervous system, to change what has been learned incorrectly, and to improve the functional freedom, the Feldenkrais method is applicable to everyone but of particular interest to artists, athletes, and those with serious medical problems. For many years singers have looked to Feldenkrais to reeducate the alignment and movement of their bodies to improve their singing. Nelson (a professional Feldenkrais practitioner) and Blades-Zeller (a scholar of voice performance) direct this study toward the particular needs of singers who are seeking greater freedom in their singing. They devote the bulk of the volume (11 chapters) to exercises that individuals can do without benefit of a professional Feldenkrais practitioner. Divided into small units that can be undertaken by people who do not have large amounts of time at their disposal, the exercises are described simply and clearly and are accompanied by helpful drawings. The chapter "Pedagogical Uses for This Volume" includes suggestions for students and for private and class voice teachers. Glossary, reference and resource list, indexes. Recommended for all levels. M. S. Roy Pennsylvania State University, University Park Campus
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review