World atlas of the oceans : with the general bathymetric chart of the oceans (GEBCO) published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service /
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Imprint: | Buffalo, N.Y., USA : Firefly Books (U.S.), 2001. |
Description: | 264 p. : col. ill., col. maps ; 36 cm. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | |
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- How the Oceans were Formed
- The Oceans
- The sea floor in relief
- Open borders in the north
- Rises in the South Atlantic
- The Big Blue
- The youngest ocean
- The seas around the North Pole
- The south's icy oceanHistorical Maps of the World
- The Ptloemaneus map of the world
- The oceans according to a 16th-century mapThe Oceans as a Habitat and a Commercial Area
- Home to remarkable creatures
- Predatory fish in the deep seas
- Sea lions, fish, and crustaceans
- migratory movements of the whales
- Ocean currents
- The layers of the oceans
- The driving force of the Sun
- When air and sea clash
- What causes tides
- Life between land and sea
- The long travels of an iceberg
- Earth plates and volcanic chains
- Sea freight
- Straits
- the eye of the needle
- The lifelines of sea trade
- The North Sea
- Europe's turntable
- A little sea with a great future
- Transit traffic on the Mediterranean
- The Atlantic
- bridge to the New World
- New terminal centers in the Pacific
- Sunken ships and treasure
- For whom the bell tolls
- Food from the sea
- International fishing
- Giant pumps on the high seas
- Crude oil
- the gold of the seas
- Atlantic and Alaskan oil deposits
- Mineral resources under the sea
- The Arctic Ocean and its perpetual ice
- Antarctica: the white continent
- A Garden of Eden in the sea
- Sun, sea, and white beaches
- Endangered marine life
- How the oceans are polluted
- Surveying the seasBathymetric Charts
- The individual oceans and their basinsThe Atlantic Ocean
- The Northwest Passage
- The peak of the Atlantic
- The ocean's lungs
- On the icy inland sea
- The Grand Banks' currents
- The warm north of the Atlantic
- The source of the Gulf Stream
- Oases in watery wastes
- America approaches Africa
- Sahara sands in the deep seas
- A passage for Antarctic waters
- The edges of Africa
- Icebergs off South America
- The "sulfur pearls" of Namibia
- The south polar hydrologic cycle
- Where tectonic plates meetThe Pacific Ocean
- Sea strait and land bridge
- Asia's coldest sea
- The "Arctic" of the Pacific
- Alaska's unique climate
- The land below the sea
- "Black smokers" in the Alaska current
- Where the sea is at its deepest
- The formation of Hawaii
- The whales of Baja California
- Sahul: the submerged land
- Island arcs on deep-sea slopes
- The Galapagos Archipelago
- In the land of the giant squid
- A sea of sinking volcanoes
- El Ni±o begins off Peru's coast
- Skerries in the South Pacific
- Rough seas and stormy weatherThe Indian Ocean
- The Red Sea's colors
- Monsoons and fish graveyards
- The mud of the Ganges
- The ocean of many islands
- Home a primeval fish
- A junction of ocean ridges
- Where two ridges meet
- A cold and rapid current
- An island between two oceans
- Remainder of a sunken continentThe Arctic and Antarctic
- Land masses and sea basins at the Poles
- The oscillating North Pole
- In the ice free Polar Sea
- In the land of mighty rivers
- Mountains at the North Pole
- A primary source of cold water
- A meteorite and the tsunamis
- The pulsing Antarctic coast
- Gateway to the AntarcticThe Mediterranean
- Individual basins and their water depths
- Deadly algae threatens the sea
- The seas on either side of Italy
- The Aegean Sea: sunken land
- The Black Sea's "death zone"
- Gilbraltar's currents and rises
- Between Scylla and Charybdis
- In the deep Levantine BasinThe North Sea and the Baltic
- The shallow border seas of the Atlantic
- When the North Sea was formed
- Gateway to the North Atlantic
- The oily sea off Norway
- Between sea and land
- The narrow passage to the Baltic
- The Baltic's brackish water
- The island from the Ice Age
- When the Baltic Sea freezes up
- Index, photo credits