Summary: | Jon Hassler, "Minnesota's most engaging cultural export," returns in his latest novel to the town of his first-Staggerford-reuniting the irrepressible Agatha McGee with characters from her past, as well as introducing her to new friends. Now in her eightieth year, Agatha McGee finds herself feeling her age, more tired and less a part of daily life in town. The new parish priest, Father Healy (of North of Hope), isn't helping matters either, as he tries to wean her off her frequent Confessions, thinking Agatha has become a bit too zealous with morality. But when a flood hits the Badbattle River, engulfing every house except hers, Staggerford needs Agatha like never before, and seven neighbors, friends, and former students seek refuge with Agatha for four days and nights. With Jon Hassler's trademark wry wit, gentle humor, and wonderful storytelling, The Staggerford Flooddelivers another view of life in small town Minnesota. Reuniting favorite Hassler characters from Staggerford, Simon's Night, A Green Journey, North of Hope, Dear James, and The Dean's List, The Staggerford Floodis another classic novel from one of America's favorite writers.