Table of Contents:
  • Illustrations
  • Maps and Plans, Tables, and Genealogical Charts
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • 1.. Beginnings
  • 2.. The Old Town of Ste. Genevieve
  • 3.. Ascent to Power
  • 4.. The Valle Household
  • 5.. Missouri's Original Black Families
  • 6.. Pillar of the Spanish Regime
  • 7.. Wealth, Death, and Eternity
  • Conclusion
  • Appendix
  • Index
  • Illustrations
  • Valle coat of arms
  • Title page of Spanish census, 1766
  • Eighteenth-century parish church
  • Governor Alejandro O'Reilly
  • Officers in Ste. Genevieve militia, 1780
  • Francois Valle's official titles
  • Slave baptismal record
  • Slave marriage record
  • Receipt for Spanish payroll
  • A Spanish piece-of-eight
  • Lieutenant Governor Francisco Cruzat
  • Governor Bernardo de Galvez
  • Signatures on 1776 Valle will
  • Black walnut armoire
  • Valle sterling silver candlesticks
  • Eighteenth-century household implements
  • Maps and Plans
  • Eastern North America, circa 1770
  • Philip Pittman's Plan of Kaskaskia, 1766
  • Center of Old Town of Ste. Genevieve, 1780
  • Tables
  • 1.. 1766 Spanish Census of Ste. Genevieve
  • 2.. 1772 Spanish Census of Ste. Genevieve
  • 3.. 1779 Spanish Census of Ste. Genevieve
  • 4.. Origins of the Men in Ste. Genevieve's Militia
  • 5.. Occupations of the Men in Ste. Genevieve's Militia
  • 6.. Parish Fees in the Illinois Country
  • Genealogical Charts
  • 1.. Partial Valle Genealogy
  • 2.. Valle Slave Couples and Their Children