Review by Choice Review
Based on the annual bibliographies published 1986-96 in the New Chaucer Society's journal Studies in the Age of Chaucer, this is probably the most comprehensive bibliography of Chaucer research for its years of coverage. It follows a line of 20th-century Chaucer bibliographies, the most recent of which was Lorrayne Y. Baird-Lange's A Bibliography of Chaucer, 1974-1985 (CH, Jan'89). Other recent Chaucer bibliographies tend to focus on a single tale or aspect (e.g., Marilyn Sutton's Chaucer's Pardoners Prologue and Tale: An Annotated Bibliography, 1900-1995, CH, Nov'00). Unlike its predecessors, this volume includes annotations for each of the over 3,000 main entries; there are also brief unannotated appendixes of related works and books published before 1986. Entries are arranged by tale and topic, and indexed by author and subject. Unfortunately, no overall discussion of trends in Chaucer scholarship is provided. In spite of that, this is a highly useful bibliography. ^BSumming Up: Highly recommended. College, university, and larger public libraries. J. Stevens Washington State University
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review