Review by Choice Review
Truemper (Univ. of Texas, Dallas) provides an in-depth look at the foundation of prepositional logic and advanced systems built using the principles of logic. The area of prepositional logic forms the very foundation of artificial intelligence (AI) and has been the cornerstone tool for AI for decades. Although there are many modern tools that have been developed recently, there is still significant interest in the use of prepositional logic. Truemper offers definitive, state-of-the-art coverage of this area. First, the foundational material on prepositional logic is presented, followed by the techniques on logic systems; then learning strategies and advanced reasoning are discussed. Finally, a number of applications of prepositional logic systems are highlighted. This book differs from other works in that the author stresses the rationale and reasoning in anecdotal discussions rather than through the rigor of proofs. Hence, the presented material is easy to read and follow. Appropriate for college seniors and first-year graduate students. ^BSumming Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates; graduate students. J. Y. Cheung University of Oklahoma
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Review by Choice Review