Scaling methods /
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Author / Creator: | Dunn-Rankin, Peter |
Imprint: | Hillsdale, N.J. : L. Erlbaum, 1983. |
Description: | xiv, 429 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | |
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- What's New?
- Content and Organization
- Acknowledgements
- Part I. Foundations
- 1.. Scaling Defined
- Relative Measurement
- The Fahrehheit Scale
- Psychological Objects
- Mapping
- Introduction to Scaling
- Euclidean Space
- Guttman Scales
- Judgments or Choices
- 2.. Tasks
- Ordering
- Paired Comparisons
- Circular Triads
- Partial Ranks and Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
- Direct Ranking
- Ranks and Rank Values
- Tetrads (Pairs of Pairs)
- Arranging Pairs
- Flow Diagram for Analysis of Ordinal Tasks
- CD-ROM Example of BIB
- Categorical Ratings
- Judgments
- The Semantic Differential
- Simple Scoring
- Subsets of Items
- Steps in Ordered Category Scale Construction
- Ordered Category Example
- Restrictions of Ordered Categories
- Number of and Naming of Categories
- Flow Diagram for Ordered Category Analysis
- Free Clustering
- Steps in Free Clustering
- Inter-Judge Distances
- Individualized Free Clustering
- Flow Diagram for Free Clustering Analysis
- CD-ROM Example of Using PEROVER
- CD-ROM Example of Using JUDGED
- Similarity Judgments
- Paired Comparisons
- Ranking Pairs
- Rating Similarity Between Pairs
- Clustering Then Pairing
- Triadic Comparisons
- Ratio Estimation
- Conditional Ranking
- Same-Different
- Latency
- Ranking Versus Rating Pairs
- Analysis of Similarities
- Flow Diagram for Similarity Judgments Analysis
- CD-ROM Example of AVEMAT
- CD-ROM Example of INDMAT
- 3.. Measures of Proximity
- Correlations
- Pearson's Correlation
- SAS Example of Calculating Correlations
- Significance of r
- Squaring the Correlation Coefficient
- Kendall's tau Correlation
- Gamma Correlation
- Distances
- Standardized Distance
- Mahalanobis d[superscript 2]
- Mikowski Metric
- Triangle Inequality
- Scalar Products
- Association
- Direct Estimation of Proximity
- Percent Overlap
- Minimum Percentage
- Interjudge Distances Following Free Clustering
- Gower's Similarity Measure
- Kappa
- A Distance Macro from SAS
- Part II. Unidimensional Methods
- 4.. Rank Scaling
- Variance Stable Rank Sums
- Test of Significance
- Number of Judges
- Discussion
- Application 1. Direct Ranking of Counselor Roles
- Application 2. Letter Similarity Scales
- CD-ROM Example Using RANKO
- Circular Triad Analysis
- Judge Circular Triads (JCT)
- Coefficient of Consistency
- Tests for Circularity
- Application: Circularity Among Adjective Pairs
- Circular Triad Analysis
- Discussion
- CD-ROM Example Using TRICIR
- 5.. Order Analysis
- Guttman Scaling
- Goodenough's Error Counting
- Application 1.. Cloze Tests in Reading
- Application 2.. Arithmetic Achievement
- Significance of a Guttman Scale
- CD-ROM Example Using SCALO
- Mokken Scales
- Dominance Theory of Order
- CD-ROM Example Using ORDER
- Fisher's Exact Probability
- CT3 Index
- Rescaling Reliability
- Application Example
- Partial Correlations As A Measure of Transitivity
- 6.. Comparative Judgment
- Attitudes are Normally Distributed
- Thurstone's Case V
- Case V Example
- Reliability
- Application: Seriousness of Crimes Then and Now
- Case V Program
- 7.. Categorical Ratings
- Greens' Successive Categories
- Discussion
- TSCALE Analysis of Reading Attitude
- Summated Ratings
- An Example of Likert Scaling
- Discussion
- Example: Remmers's General Scale
- Application: Revising A Scale
- Discussion
- Cronbach's Alpha
- Programs: SAS PROC Means, Alpha, r[subscript total] and SPSS
- Part III. Clustering
- Reverse Scoring for Negative Items
- 8.. Graphic Similarity Analysis
- Graphing Ability and Achievement
- Graphing Letter Similarity
- Graphic Analysis of Word Similarity
- Elementary Linkage Analysis
- Linkage Analysis of Test Scores
- Discussion
- 9.. Successive Combining
- Ward's Minimum Variance Method
- Grouping Students on Reward Preference
- CD-ROM and SAS Clustering Example
- Discussion
- Johnson's Nonmetric Single and Complete Link Clustering
- Clustering the WISC Tests with HICLUS
- 10.. Partitioning
- K-Means Iterative Clustering
- Application: Visual or Auditory Preference for Reading Instruction
- Discussion
- 11.. Hierarchical Divisive
- Successive Splitting
- Dividing By Largest Variance
- Application: Grouping Ham Radios
- Number Of Clusters
- Graphing The Clusters
- Part IV. Multidimensional Methods
- 12.. Factor Analysis
- Representation of the Correlation Matrix
- Trial and Error
- Test Score Assumptions
- Accountable Variance
- Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
- Factor Rotation
- Specific Problems Associated With Factor Analysis
- 13.. Mapping Individual Preference
- Singular Value Decomposition
- Carroll and Chang's Multidimensional Vector Model
- CD-ROM Example Using MDPREF
- Application: Occupational Ranking by Japanese
- Inclusion of the Ideal Point
- Ideal Point Projection
- 14.. Multidimensional Scaling
- How Kruskal's Method Works
- SAS Analysis of Trevally Data
- Application: Word Similarity (SAS MDS Using PEROVER Data)
- 15.. Individual Differences Scaling
- Output from INDMAT
- CD-ROM Example of SINDSCAL With Learning Disability Data
- How SINDSCAL Works
- Example with Dessert Data Using SAS Market
- How ALSCAL Works
- Alternating Search Analogy
- Application: The Letter Wheel
- Appendix A. Using a Computer to Solve Problems
- Format
- Using the CD-ROM
- Readme General
- System Requirements
- Preparing to Run Programs
- Running the Programs
- Printing Reports
- Error Messages
- Troubleshooting
- Full File Names
- What is included on the CD-Rom for each program
- Using the Internet
- Bell-Labs Netlib
- VISta
- The Three Mode Company
- Scaling Methods and Terms
- Appendix B. Tables
- Table A. Balanced Orders for Paired Comparisons for the Numbers from Five to Seventeen
- Table B. Selected Balanced Incomplete Block Designs
- Table C. Percentage Points of the Studentized Range for Infinite Degrees of Freedom
- Table D. Selected Range Values in the Two-Way Classification
- Table E. Cumulative Probability Distrtibution for Circular Triads Upper and Lower 10% Tails Across 5--15 Objects
- References
- Author Index
- Subject Index
- Map of Scaling Methodology