Praise for the previous edition: Recommended for public and academic collections.--Choice While several resources on clichés are currently available, this one stands apart for the large number of citations...Recommended for academic and public libraries.--Library Journal This updated and expanded edition of a popular title explains the meanings and origins of almost 4,000 clichés and common expressions. Each entry in The Facts On File Dictionary of Clichés, Second Edition includes the meaning of the cliché or expression, its origin and early uses, the historical development of the phrase, and its present-day usage. For this second edition, the author has added approximately 500 new clichés, including many from the business world, such as "drum up," "fork over," and "go belly-up; from the military, such as "the balloon goes up," "body count," and "mickey mouse"; and from popular novels, especially mysteries and thrillers. Other new clichés include bells and whistles, yada yada yada, and whatever. The Facts On File Dictionary of Clichés, Second Edition is the largest, most comprehensive, and most entertaining reference of its kind. Fully indexed and cross-referenced, The Facts On File Dictionary of Clichés, Second Edition is an essential resource for students, writers, and anyone seeking the gift of gab. Each entry includes: The meaning of the cliché The cliché's origin and early uses, with examples The development and history of the cliché The cliché's present-day usage. Excerpted from The Facts on File Dictionary of Cliches: Meanings and Origins of Thousands of Terms and Expressions by Christine Ammer All rights reserved by the original copyright owners. Excerpts are provided for display purposes only and may not be reproduced, reprinted or distributed without the written permission of the publisher.