General clauses and standards in European contract law : comparative law, EC law and contract law codification /
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Imprint: | The Hague : Kluwer Law International ; Frederick, MD : Sold and distributed in North, Central, and South America by Aspen, c2006. |
Description: | xiv, 218 p. ; 25 cm. |
Language: | English |
Series: | Private law in European context series ; v. 6 |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
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Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Preface
- Chapter 1. General Standards and Principles, Clauses Generales and Generalklauseln in European Contract Law - A Survey
- I. The Overall Design of the Inquiry
- 1. The Concept of General Clauses and Standards
- 2. Why General Clauses and Standards Matter in a - Multi-Level - European Contract Law
- 3. Integration of the Different Perspectives and Levels in this Inquiry on General Clauses and Standards in European Contract Law
- II. The Comparative Law Survey (Part 1)
- III. The EC Contract Law Context (Part 2)
- IV. Fundamental Considerations and the European Codification Dimension (Part 3)
- V. Some Concluding Remarks
- Part 1. Comparative Law
- Chapter 2. Theorie et Pratique de la Clause Generale en Droit Francais Et Dans Les Autres Systemes Juridiques Romanistes
- I. Existe-t-il, dans les differents systemes de droit romaniste, des 'clauses generales'?
- 1. La clause generale en Allemagne
- 2. Equivalents des clauses generales
- II. Les pouvoirs d'intervention juge dans le contrat
- 1. Le role du juge dans les systemes de droit
- 2. Les raisons de l'utilisation des clauses generales dans le champs contractuel
- Chapter 3. The Functions of General Clauses, Exemplified by Regarding Germanic Laws and Dutch Law
- I. Concretization of Contractual Obligations
- II. Gap Filling
- 1. Creation of New Obligations and Burdens
- 2. Controlling of Contractual Agreements
- 3. Creation of New Remedies
- 4. Limiting Rights
- III. Values and Standards
- 1. Generalization of Values and Standards
- 2. Concrete Values and Standards
- a. Constitutional values and standards
- b. Values and standards in other rules and provisions of private law
- c. Common convictions
- Chapter 4. Theory and Practice of the 'General Clause' in English Law: General Norms and the Structuring of Judicial Discretion
- I. 'General Clauses' and the Normative Layers of English Law
- II. 'General Norms' in English Law: Three Types of Examples
- 1. The Language of Principle
- 2. 'Roving' Corrective Techniques
- 3. Use of Open-Textured Concepts (With Particular Reference to Reasonableness)
- III. Conclusion
- Part 2. The EC Contract Law Context
- Chapter 5. Shifting Power from Legislations to Judges and from the Central Level to the National Level
- Chapter 6. Les clauses generales dans le droit du travail europeen - Les regles internes et leur impact dans le droit communautaire
- I. Introduction
- II. Clauses generales de portee generale en droit du travail
- 1. Notion de salarie: travail subordonne
- a. Droits internes
- b. Droit communautaire
- 2. Principe de faveur
- a. Droits internes
- b. Droit communautaire
- 3. Principes nationaux - Exemples
- a. Allemagne
- b. Angleterre
- c. Autres pays
- III. Regles generales
- 1. Obligation de travailler
- a. Droits internes
- b. Clause de type 'systeme mobile'
- 2. Prohibitions de discrimination et regle d'egalite
- a. Observations generales et prohibitions de discrimination
- b. Regle d'egalite
- 3. Obligations accessoires
- a. Allemagne et Angleterre
- b. France et Italie
- 4. Protection de la sante
- 5. Limites au licenciement
- 6. Autres clauses generales du droit communautaire
- 7. Clauses generales du droit commun
- IV. Reflexion
- Chapter 7. Social Rights, General Clauses, and the Acquis Communautaire
- I. General Clauses in the Common Law
- 1. Three Types of General Clause
- 2. Analogies in Common Law systems
- 3. Evolving Trends in the Common Law
- II. General Clauses in European Social Policy
- 1. Mandatory Standards with Procedural Derogations
- 2. Typologies and European Regulatory Legislation
- 3. Principles Subject to a Proportionality Qualification
- III. The Scope of the Acquis Communautaire in General Contract Law
- IV. General Clauses in European Private Law
- Chapter 8. The General Clause or Standard in EC Contract Law Directives - A Survey on Some Important Legal Measures and Aspects in EC Law
- I. The Examples: Abuse of Rights, Good Faith and Punctilio of an Honour the Most Sensitive
- 1. Abuse of Rights, as in the Unfair Contract Terms Directive
- 2. Good Faith, as in the Commercial Agents Directive
- 3. High Standard of Duty of Care and Honesty or Loyalty (Punctilio of an Honour the Most Sensitive), as in Investment Services
- II. The Functions of General Clauses or Standards in EC Contract Law
- 1. Limiting Rights, Filling Gaps, Creating New Remedies
- 2. Minimum Clauses, Categorization and Mandatory Principles Subject to Structured Derogation
- III. General Clause or Standard in EC Directives - A Dual Shift of Power?
- 1. A Shift of Power from Legislature to the Courts?
- 2. A Shift of Power from National Law to EC Law?
- IV. Structuring the General Clause or Standard and Systemizing the Level of Protection
- 1. Adding the Criteria of How to Structure the General Clause and Standard
- 2. Establishing an Order of the Different Levels of Protection Guaranteed by General Clauses and Standards
- Part 3. Fundamental Considerations and the European Codification Dimension
- Chapter 9. L'analyse economique de la clause generale
- I. L'exigence de bonne foi au regard de l'analyse economique du droit des contrats
- 1. L'exigence de bonne foi au regard de l'analyse economique des regles regissant les contrats
- 2. L'exigence de bonne foi au regard de l'analyse economique du systeme juridique regissant les contrats
- II. L'exigence de bonne foi au regard de l'analyse economique des pratiques contractuelles
- 1. La confiance et le calcul rationnel
- 2. La confiance et le contrat
- Chapter 10. Le devoir de se comporter de bonne foi dans les contrats de consommation
- I. La bonne foi du professionnel qui contracte avec un consommateur
- 1. La bonne foi du professionnel, idee sous-jacente du droit de la consommation
- 2. La bonne foi du professionnel, specialement visee par le droit des clauses abusives
- II. La bonne foi du consommateur qui contracte avec un professionnel
- 1. La bonne foi du consommateur, specialement visee en cas de surendettement
- 2. La bonne foi du consommateur, exigence plus generale
- III. Conclusion
- Chapter 11. The Duty to Deal Fairly in Commercial Contracts
- I. Introductory Remarks: Setting the Scene
- II. A Closer Look at the Businesses View of General Clauses: between Fair and Certain
- III. Final Remarks: Falling of the Curtain?
- Chapter 12. General Clauses and Specific Rules in the Principles of European Contract Law: The 'Good Faith' Clause
- I. Introduction
- II. Roles and Meanings of Good Faith
- III. Role and Meaning of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in PECL
- IV. The Role of Good Faith and Fair Dealing in PECL
- 1. An Underlying Principle
- 2. Source of New Norms?
- 3. An Overarching Control Mechanism?
- 4. Excluder or Source of Positive Duties?
- 5. Not to Act Unreasonably or to Act Reasonably?
- V. Conclusion