Stochastic optimization /
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Author / Creator: | Schneider, Johannes J. (Johannes Josef) |
Imprint: | Berlin : Springer, 2006. |
Description: | xvi, 565 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm. |
Language: | English |
Series: | Scientific computation, 1434-8322 |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
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Table of Contents:
- Part I. Theory
- Overview of Stochastic Optimization Algorithms
- 0. General Remarks
- 0.1. Why Optimize Things?
- 0.2. Moral Aspects of Optimization
- 0.3. How To Think About It
- 0.4. Minima, Maxima, and Extrema
- 0.5. What Is So Hard About Optimization?
- 0.6. Algorithms, Heuristics, Metaheuristics
- 1. Exact Optimization Algorithms for Simple Problems
- 1.1. A Simple Example-Exact Optimization in One Dimension
- 1.2. Newton-Raphson Method
- 1.3. Descent Methods in More Than One Dimension
- 1.4. Conjugate Gradients
- 2. Exact Optimization Algorithms for Complex Problems
- 2.1. Simplex Algorithm
- 2.2. Integer Optimization
- 2.3. Branch & Bound
- 2.4. Branch & Cut
- 3. Monte Carlo
- 3.1. Pseudorandom Numbers
- 3.2. Random Number Generation and Random Number Tests
- 3.3. Transformation of Random Numbers
- 3.4. Example: Calculation of [pi] with MC
- 4. Overview of Optimization Heuristics
- 4.1. Necessity of Heuristics
- 4.2. Construction Heuristics
- 4.3. Markovian Improvement Heuristics
- 4.4. Set-Based Improvement Heuristics
- 5. Implementation of Constraints
- 5.1. Moves, Constraints, Deadlines
- 5.2. Incorporation into the Configurations
- 5.3. Consideration of Feasible Solutions Only
- 5.4. Penalty Functions
- 6. Parallelization Strategies
- 6.1. Parallelization Models and Computer Architectures
- 6.2. Running Several Copies
- 6.3. Divide et Impera
- 6.4. Information Exchange
- 7. Construction Heuristics
- 7.1. General Outline of Construction Heuristics
- 7.2. Insertion Heuristics
- 7.3. Savings Heuristics
- 7.4. More Intelligent Ways of Construction
- 8. Markovian Improvement Heuristics
- 8.1. Constructing a Markov Chain
- 8.2. Trivial Acceptance Functions
- 8.3. Introduction of a Control Parameter
- 8.4. Heat Bath Approach
- 9. Local Search
- 9.1. Classic Local Search Approach
- 9.2. Problems of the Local Search Approach
- 9.3. Larger Moves
- 9.4. Jumping Between Different Move Sizes
- 10. Ruin & Recreate
- 10.1. The Philosophy of Building One's Own Castle
- 10.2. Outline of Approach
- 10.3. Discussion of Ruin & Recreate
- 10.4. Ruin & Recreate as a Self-Contained Optimization Algorithm
- 11. Simulated Annealing
- 11.1. Physical and Historical Background
- 11.2. Derivation of Simulated Annealing
- 11.3. Thermal Expectation Values
- 11.4. Inverse Simulated Annealing
- 12. Threshold Accepting and Other Algorithms Related to Simulated Annealing
- 12.1. Threshold Accepting
- 12.2. The Steady-State Equilibrium Characteristics of TA
- 12.3. Methods Based on the Tsallis Statistics
- 12.4. The Great Deluge Algorithm
- 13. Changing the Energy Landscape
- 13.1. Search Space Smoothing
- 13.2. Ant Lion Heuristics and Activation Relaxation Technique
- 13.3. Noising or Permutation of System Parts
- 13.4. Weight Annealing
- 14. Estimation of Expectation Values
- 14.1. Simple Sampling
- 14.2. Biased Sampling
- 14.3. Importance Sampling
- 14.4. Parallel Sampling
- 15. Cooling Techniques
- 15.1. Standard Cooling Schedules
- 15.2. Nonmonotonic Cooling Schedules
- 15.3. Ensemble Based Schedules
- 15.4. Simulated Tempering and Parallel Tempering
- 16. Estimation of Calculation Time Needed
- 16.1. Exponentially Growing Space Size
- 16.2. Polynomial Approach
- 16.3. Grest Hypothesis
- 17. Weakening the Pure Markovian Approach
- 17.1. Saving the Best-So-Far Solution and Spinoffs at Good Solutions
- 17.2. Record-to-Record Travel
- 17.3. Stochastic Tunneling
- 17.4. Changing the Cooling Schedule Due to Intermediate Results
- 18. Neural Networks
- 18.1. Biological Motivation
- 18.2. Artificial Neural Networks
- 18.3. The Hopfield Model
- 18.4. Kohonen Networks
- 19. Genetic Algorithms and Evolution Strategies
- 19.1. Charles Darwin's Natural Selection
- 19.2. Mutations and Crossovers
- 19.3. Application to Optimization Problems
- 19.4. Parallel Applications
- 20. Optimization Algorithms Inspired by Social Animals
- 20.1. Inspiration by the Behavior of Animals
- 20.2. Ant Colony Optimization
- 20.3. Particle Swarm Optimization
- 20.4. Fighting and Ranking
- 21. Optimization Algorithms Based on Multiagent Systems
- 21.1. Motivation
- 21.2. Simulated Trading
- 21.3. Selfish vs. Global Optimization
- 21.4. Introduction of a Social Temperature
- 22. Tabu Search
- 22.1. Tabu
- 22.2. Use of Memory
- 22.3. Aspiration
- 22.4. Intensification and Diversification
- 23. Histogram Algorithms
- 23.1. Guided Local Search
- 23.2. Multicanonical Algorithm
- 23.3. MUCAREM and REMUCA
- 23.4. Multicanonical Annealing
- 24. Searching for Backbones
- 24.1. Comparing Different Good Solutions
- 24.2. Determining the Backbone
- 24.3. Outline of the SFB Algorithm
- 24.4. Discussion of the Algorithm
- Part II. Applications
- 0. General Remarks
- 0.1. Dealing with a Proposed Optimization Problem
- 0.2. Programming Languages and Parallelization Libraries
- 0.3. Optimization Libraries
- 0.4. Difficulty of Comparing Various Algorithms
- Applications A. The Traveling Salesman Problem
- 1. The Traveling Salesman Problem
- 1.1. The Task of the Traveling Salesman
- 1.2. Distance Metrics
- 1.3. The Dijkstra Algorithm
- 1.4. Various Possible Codings
- 1.5. Four Approaches to the TSP
- 1.6. Benchmark Instances
- 1.7. Bounds for the Optimum Solution
- 1.8. The Misfit: A Frustration Measure
- 1.9. Order Parameters for the TSP
- 1.10. Short History of TSP
- 2. Extensions of Traveling Salesman Problem
- 2.1. Temporal Constraints
- 2.2. Vehicle Routing Problems
- 2.3. Probabilistic Models and Online Optimization
- 2.4. Supply Chain Management
- 3. Application of Construction Heuristics to TSP
- 3.1. Nearest Neighbor Heuristic
- 3.2. Insertion Heuristics
- 3.3. Using Deeper Insight into the Problem
- 3.4. The Savings Heuristic
- 4. Local Search Concepts Applied to TSP
- 4.1. Initialization Routine
- 4.2. Small Moves
- 4.3. Computational Results for Greedy Algorithm
- 4.4. Local Search as Afterburner for Construction Heuristics
- 5. Next Larger Moves Applied to TSP
- 5.1. Lin-3-Opts
- 5.2. Higher-Order Lin-n-Opts
- 5.3. Computational Results for the Greedy Algorithm
- 5.4. Combination of Moves of Various Sizes
- 6. Ruin & Recreate Applied to TSP
- 6.1. Application of Ruin & Recreate
- 6.2. Analysis of R & R Moves in RW and GRE Modes
- 6.3. Ruin & Recreate as Self-Contained Algorithm
- 6.4. Discussion of Application Possibilities of Ruin & Recreate
- 7. Application of Simulated Annealing to TSP
- 7.1. Simulated Annealing for the TSP
- 7.2. Computational Results for Observables of Interest
- 7.3. Computational Results for Acceptance Rates
- 7.4. Quality of the Results Achieved with Various Computing Times
- 8. Dependencies of SA Results on Moves and Cooling Process
- 8.1. Results for Various Small Moves
- 8.2. Results for Monotonous Cooling Schedules
- 8.3. Results for Bouncing
- 8.4. Results for Parallel Tempering
- 9. Application to TSP of Algorithms Related to Simulated Annealing
- 9.1. Computational Results for Threshold Accepting
- 9.2. Computational Results for Penna Criterion
- 9.3. Computational Results for Great Deluge Algorithm
- 9.4. Computational Results for Record-to-Record Travel
- 10. Application of Search Space Smoothing to TSP
- 10.1. A Small Toy Problem
- 10.2. Gu and Huang Approach
- 10.3. Effect of Numerical Precision on Smoothing
- 10.4. Smoothing with Finite Numerical Precision Only
- 11. Further Techniques Changing the Energy Landscape of a TSP
- 11.1. The Convex-Concave Approach to Search Space Smoothing
- 11.2. Noising the System
- 11.3. Weight Annealing
- 11.4. Final Remarks on Application of Changing Techniques
- 12. Application of Neural Networks to TSP
- 12.1. Application of a Hopfield Network
- 12.2. Computational Results for the Hopfield Network
- 12.3. Application of a Kohonen Network
- 12.4. Computational Results for a Kohonen Network
- 13. Application of Genetic Algorithms to TSP
- 13.1. Mutations
- 13.2. Crossovers
- 13.3. Natural Selection
- 13.4. Computational Results
- 14. Social Animal Algorithms Applied to TSP
- 14.1. Application of Ant Colony Optimization
- 14.2. Computational Results
- 14.3. Application of Bird Flock Model
- 14.4. Computational Results
- 15. Simulated Trading Applied to TSP
- 15.1. Application of Simulated Trading to the TSP
- 15.2. Computational Results
- 15.3. Discussion of Simulated Trading
- 15.4. Simulated Trading and Working
- 16. Tabu Search Applied to TSP
- 16.1. Definition of a Tabu List
- 16.2. Introduction of Short-Term Memory
- 16.3. Adding some Aspiration
- 16.4. Adding Intensification and Diversification
- 17. Application of History Algorithms to TSP
- 17.1. The Multicanonical Algorithm
- 17.2. Multicanonical Annealing
- 17.3. Acceptance Simulated Annealing
- 17.4. Guided Local Search
- 18. Application of Searching for Backbones to TSP
- 18.1. Definition of a Backbone
- 18.2. Application to the Completely Asymmetric TSP
- 18.3. Application to Partially Asymmetric TSP
- 18.4. Computational Results
- 19. Simulating Various Types of Government with Searching for Backbones
- 19.1. An Aristocratic Approach
- 19.2. A Democratic Approach
- 19.3. Solution of the PCB442 Problem
- 19.4. Can Humans Do This, Too?
- Applications B. The Constraint Satisfaction Problem
- 20. The Constraint Satisfaction Problem
- 20.1. Sources of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- 20.2. Benchmarks and Competitions
- 20.3. Randomly Generated Models and Their Complexity
- 20.4. Randomly Generated Models and Their Phase Diagrams
- 20.5. Mixtures of easy and hard CSPs
- 21. Construction Heuristics for CSP
- 21.1. Application of the Bestinsertion Heuristic to the 3-SAT Problem
- 21.2. Assertion, Decimation, and Resolution
- 21.3. Analyzable Assertion Protocols
- 21.4. Solution Space Structure of XOR-SAT
- 22. Random Local Iterative Search Heuristics
- 22.1. RWalkSAT
- 22.2. WalkSAT
- 22.3. Simulated Annealing
- 23. Belief Propagation and Survey Propagation
- 23.1. Belief Propagation, Message Passing, and Cavities
- 23.2. Message Passing as Side Information for Decimation
- 23.3. Belief Propagation and Sudoku
- Part III. Outlook
- 24. Future Outlook of Optimization Business
- 24.1. P = NP?
- 24.2. Quantum Computing
- 24.3. DNA Computing
- 24.4. How Will the Problems Evolve?
- Acknowledgments
- References
- Index