The substance of a speech made in the House of Commons by Wil. Prynn of Lincolns-Inn, esquire; on Munday the fourth of December, 1648. Touching the King's answer to the propositions of both Houses upon the whole treaty, whether they were satisfactory or not satisfactory. Wherein the satisfactoriness of the Kings answers to the propositions for settlement of a firm lasting peace, and future security of the subjects against all feared regal invasions, and encroachments whatsoever is clearly demonstrated. As likewise, that there is no other probable or possible way to settle a speedy firm and a lasting peace, but by the Houses embracing and proceeding upon the large extraordinary concessions of the King in this treaty, for the Kingdom present weal and future security. And that the armies remonstrance, Nov. 20. is a way to speedy and certain ruine; and a meer plot of the Jesuites to defame and destroy us. Put into writing, and published by him at the importunate request of divers members, for the satisfaction of the whole Kingdom, touching the Houses vote upon this debate.
by: Prynne, William, 1600-1669
Published: (1649)