Bayesian methods in finance /
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Imprint: | Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2008. |
Description: | xviii, 329 p. : ill., charts ; 24 cm. |
Language: | English |
Series: | The Frank J. Fabozzi series Frank J. Fabozzi series. |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | |
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- About the Author's
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- A Few Notes on Notation
- Overview
- Chapter 2. The Bayesian Paradigm
- The Likelihood Function
- The Poisson Distribution Likelihood Function
- The Normal Distribution Likelihood Function
- The Bayes' Theorem
- Bayes' Theorem and Model Selection
- Bayes' Theorem and Classification
- Bayesian Inference for the Binomial Probability
- Summary
- Chapter 3. Prior and Posterior Information, Predictive Inference
- Prior Information
- Informative Prior Elicitation
- Noninformative Prior Distributions
- Conjugate Prior Distributions
- Empirical Bayesian Analysis
- Posterior Inference
- Posterior Point Estimates
- Bayesian Intervals
- Bayesian Hypothesis Comparison
- Bayesian Predictive Inference
- Illustration: Posterior Trade-off and the Normal Mean Parameter
- Summary
- Appendix. Definitions of Some Univariate and Multivariate Statistical Distributions
- The Univariate Normal Distribution
- The Univariate Student's t-Distribution
- The Inverted x[superscript 2] Distribution
- The Multivariate Normal Distribution
- The Multivariate Student's t-Distribution
- The Wishart Distribution
- The Inverted Wishart Distribution
- Chapter 4. Bayesian Linear Regression Model
- The Univariate Linear Regression Model
- Bayesian Estimation of the Univariate Regression Model
- Illustration: The Univariate Linear Regression Model
- The Multivariate Linear Regression Model
- Diffuse Improper Prior
- Summary
- Chapter 5. Bayesian Numerical Computation
- Monte Carlo Integration
- Algorithms for Posterior Simulation
- Rejection Sampling
- Importance Sampling
- MCMC Methods
- Linear Regression with Semiconjugate Prior
- Approximation Methods: Logistic Regression
- The Normal Approximation
- The Laplace Approximation
- Summary
- Chapter 6. Bayesian Framework For Portfolio Allocation
- Classical Portfolio Selection
- Portfolio Selection Problem Formulations
- Mean-Variance Efficient Frontier
- Illustration: Mean-Variance Optimal Portfolio with Portfolio Constraints
- Bayesian Portfolio Selection
- Prior Scenario 1. Mean and Covariance with Diffuse (Improper) Priors
- Prior Scenario 2. Mean and Covariance with Proper Priors
- The Efficient Frontier and the Optimal Portfolio
- Illustration: Bayesian Portfolio Selection
- Shrinkage Estimators
- Unequal Histories of Returns
- Dependence of the Short Series on the Long Series
- Bayesian Setup
- Predictive Moments
- Summary
- Chapter 7. Prior Beliefs and Asset Pricing Models
- Prior Beliefs and Asset Pricing Models
- Preliminaries
- Quantifying the Belief About Pricing Model Validity
- Perturbed Model
- Likelihood Function
- Prior Distributions
- Posterior Distributions
- Predictive Distributions and Portfolio Selection
- Prior Parameter Elicitation
- Illustration: Incorporating Confidence about the Validity of an Asset Pricing Model
- Model Uncertainty
- Bayesian Model Averaging
- Illustration: Combining Inference from the CAPM and the Fama and French Three-Factor Model
- Summary
- Appendix A. Numerical Simulation of the Predictive Distribution
- Sampling from the Predictive Distribution
- Appendix B. Likelihood Function of a Candidate Model
- Chapter 8. The Black-Litterman Portfolio Selection Framework
- Preliminaries
- Equilibrium Returns
- Investor Views
- Distributional Assumptions
- Combining Market Equilibrium and Investor Views
- The Choice of [tau] and [Omega]
- The Optimal Portfolio Allocation
- Illustration: Black-Litterman Optimal Allocation
- Incorporating Trading Strategies into the Black-Litterman Model
- Active Portfolio Management and the Black-Litterman Model
- Views on Alpha and the Black-Litterman Model
- Translating a Qualitative View into a Forecast for Alpha
- Covariance Matrix Estimation
- Summary
- Chapter 9. Market Efficiency and Return Predictability
- Tests of Mean-Variance Efficiency
- Inefficiency Measures in Testing the CAPM
- Distributional Assumptions and Posterior Distributions
- Efficiency under Investment Constraints
- Illustration: The Inefficiency Measure, [Delta superscript R]
- Testing the APT
- Distributional Assumptions, Posterior and Predictive Distributions
- Certainty Equivalent Returns
- Return Predictability
- Posterior and Predictive Inference
- Solving the Portfolio Selection Problem
- Illustration: Predictability and the Investment Horizon
- Summary
- Appendix. Vector Autoregressive Setup
- Chapter 10. Volatility Models
- Garch Models of Volatility
- Stylized Facts about Returns
- Modeling the Conditional Mean
- Properties and Estimation of the GARCH(1,1) Process
- Stochastic Volatility Models
- Stylized Facts about Returns
- Estimation of the Simple SV Model
- Illustration: Forecasting Value-at-Risk
- An Arch-Type Model or a Stochastic Volatility Model?
- Where Do Bayesian Methods Fit?
- Chapter 11. Bayesian Estimation of ARCH-Type Volatility Models
- Bayesian Estimation of the Simple GARCH(1,1) Model
- Distributional Setup
- Mixture of Normals Representation of the Student's t-Distribution
- GARCH(1,1) Estimation Using the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm
- Illustration: Student's t GARCH(1,1) Model
- Markov Regime-switching GARCH Models
- Preliminaries
- Prior Distributional Assumptions
- Estimation of the MS GARCH(1,1) Model
- Sampling Algorithm for the Parameters of the MS GARCH(1,1) Model
- Illustration: Student's t MS GARCH(1,1) Model
- Summary
- Appendix. Griddy Gibbs Sampler
- Drawing from the Conditional Posterior Distribution of [nu]
- Chapter 12. Bayesian Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models
- Preliminaries of SV Model Estimation
- Likelihood Function
- The Single-Move MCMC Algorithm for SV Model Estimation
- Prior and Posterior Distributions
- Conditional Distribution of the Unobserved Volatility
- Simulation of the Unobserved Volatility
- Illustration
- The Multimove MCMC Algorithm for SV Model Estimation
- Prior and Posterior Distributions
- Block Simulation of the Unobserved Volatility
- Sampling Scheme
- Illustration
- Jump Extension of the Simple SV Model
- Volatility Forecasting and Return Prediction
- Summary
- Appendix. Kalman Filtering and Smoothing
- The Kalman Filter Algorithm
- The Smoothing Algorithm
- Chapter 13. Advanced Techniques for Bayesian Portfolio Selection
- Distributional Return Assumptions Alternative to Normality
- Mixtures of Normal Distributions
- Asymmetric Student's t-Distributions
- Stable Distributions
- Extreme Value Distributions
- Skew-Normal Distributions
- The Joint Modeling of Returns
- Portfolio Selection in the Setting of Nonnormality: Preliminaries
- Maximization of Utility with Higher Moments
- Coskewness
- Utility with Higher Moments
- Distributional Assumptions and Moments
- Likelihood, Prior Assumptions, and Posterior Distributions
- Predictive Moments and Portfolio Selection
- Illustration: HLLM's Approach
- Extending The Black-Litterman Approach: Copula Opinion Pooling
- Market-Implied and Subjective Information
- Views and View Distributions
- Combining the Market and the Views: The Marginal Posterior View Distributions
- Views Dependence Structure: The Joint Posterior View Distribution
- Posterior Distribution of the Market Realizations
- Portfolio Construction
- Illustration: Meucci's Approach
- Extending The Black-Litterman Approach:Stable Distribution
- Equilibrium Returns Under Nonnormality
- Summary
- Appendix A. Some Risk Measures Employed in Portfolio Construction
- Appendix B. CVaR Optimization
- Appendix C. A Brief Overview of Copulas
- Chapter 14. Multifactor Equity Risk Models
- Preliminaries
- Statistical Factor Models
- Macroeconomic Factor Models
- Fundamental Factor Models
- Risk Analysis Using a Multifactor Equity Model
- Covariance Matrix Estimation
- Risk Decomposition
- Return Scenario Generation
- Predicting the Factor and Stock-Specific Returns
- Risk Analysis in a Scenario-Based Setting
- Conditional Value-at-Risk Decomposition
- Bayesian Methods for Multifactor Models
- Cross-Sectional Regression Estimation
- Posterior Simulations
- Return Scenario Generation
- Illustration
- Summary
- References
- Index