The cause of God, and of these nations sought out, and drawn forth from the rubbish of the lusts and interests of men, and lifted up into sight and view for all the upright in heart to follow it. Wherein is shewed, what our cause was. What opportunity we had for it. How miserably it has been deserted. What was the cause of that desertion. The spiritual judgment that is already upon the desertors. With a word of encouragement to all the faithful, and persevering friends of it.
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Imprint: | London : [s.n.], printed anno Dom. 1659. |
Description: | [12], 33 [i.e. 34], [2] p. |
Language: | English |
Series: | Thomason Tracts ; reel 144:E.968[11] |
Subject: | |
Format: | Microform E-Resource Book |
URL for this record: | |
Item Description: | The words "what our cause was ... upon the desertors." are bracketed together on title page. P. 34 misnumbered 33. The last leaf is blank. Annotation on Thomason copy: "march. 2:d march 2. 1658"; the 9 in the imprint date has been crossed out and replaced with an "8". Reproduction of the original in the British Library. |
Physical Description: | [12], 33 [i.e. 34], [2] p. |