Precision spectroscopy in astrophysics : proceedings of the ESO/Lisbon/Aveiro Conference held in Aveiro, Portugal, 11-15 September 2006 /
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Meeting name: | ESO/Lisbon/Aveiro Conference (2006 : Aveiro, Portugal) |
Imprint: | Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2008. |
Description: | xxi, 328 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. |
Language: | English |
Series: | ESO astrophysics symposia, 1431-2433 |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
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Table of Contents:
- Part I. Abundances and Isotopes
- Lithium Isotopic Abundances in Stars
- Lithium Isotopic Abundances in Old Stars
- Accurate Quantitative Spectroscopy of OB Stars: the H, He and C Spectrum
- High Resolution Spectroscopy of HgMn stars: A Time of Surprises
- High-resolution Spectroscopy of Faint Stars with Transiting Planets
- First Resolved Narrow Line Profiles in Ultracool Dwarfs
- Physical Parameters of Evolved Stars in Clusters and in the Field from Line-depth Ratios
- UVES and CRIRES Spectroscopy of AGB Stars: Technetium and the Third Dredge-up
- Characterisation of the Ursa Major Group
- [C/O] Observations in Low-[Fe/H] Halo Stars
- Oxygen Abundances in Metal-poor Stars, from [OI], OI and IR OH Lines
- Sulphur Abundances in Metal-poor Stars
- Isotopic Abundances of Eu, Ba, and Sm in Metal-Poor Stars
- Part II. QSO Absorption Lines
- Gas-phase Deuterium Abundances, Near and Far
- Comprehensive Abundance Measurements in Damped Ly[alpha] Systems
- Molecular Hydrogen at High Redshift and the Variation with Time of the Electron-to-proton Mass Ratio, [gamma] = m[subscript e]/m[subscript p]
- Spectroscopy of QSO Pairs
- Small-scale Structure of High-redshift OVI Absorption Systems
- Hot Halos around High-Redshift Galaxies
- Part III. Fundamental Constants
- Astrophysical Probes of Fundamental Physics
- Revisiting VLT/UVES Constraints on a Varying Fine-structure Constant
- On the Variation of the Fine-structure Constant, and Precision Spectroscopy
- High-Precision Measurements of [Delta alpha]/[alpha] from QSO Absorption Spectra
- Probing Fundamental Constant Evolution with Redshifted OH Lines
- A Molecular Probe of Dark Energy
- Part IV. Beyond Photon Noise
- Establishing Wavelength Standards in the near Infra-red: Th-Ar
- Atomic Data for Astrophysics - Parameters, Precision, Priorities
- Optimal Extraction of Echelle Spectra
- Hydrodynamical Model Atmospheres and 3D Spectral Synthesis
- Intrinsic Lineshifts in Astronomical Spectra
- Study of Line Bisectors and its Relation with Precise Radial Velocities in the Search for Extrasolar Planets
- A Pan-Spectral Method of Abundance Determination
- Spectroscopic Binary Mass Determination Using Relativity
- Part V. Asteroseismology/Oscillations
- Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram
- High-Precision Spectroscopy of Pulsating Stars
- Mapping Atmospheric Motions in Classical and Type II Cepheids
- Iron Abundances of Southern Double-mode Cepheids from High-resolution Echelle Spectroscopy
- Part VI. Planets
- Radial Velocity Planet Detection using a Gas Absorption Cell
- Pushing Down the Limits of the Radial Velocity Technique
- Transiting Planets: Follow the FLAMES...
- Planet Detection Around M Dwarfs: New Constraints on Planet Formation Models
- Planets Around Giant Stars
- Planets Around Active Stars
- A Catalogue of Nearby Exoplanets
- Determination of the Orbital Parameters of a System with N + 1 Bodies using a Simple Fourier Analysis of the Data
- Extrasolar Comets
- Measuring Winds in Titan's Atmosphere with High-precision Doppler Velocimetry
- Part VII. Future Developments
- The European Large Telescope and its Spectroscopic Instrumentation
- CRIRES: A High Resolution Infrared Spectrograph for ESO's VLT
- Stellar Oscillations Network Group: Asteroseismology and Planet Hunting
- Interferometric Spectroscopy
- A Global Network of 2 m-class spectroscopic telescopes
- Possibility of Heterodyne Correlation Interferometry with a Tunable Laser and Absolute Frequency Measurements
- Part VIII. Posters
- Precision Laboratory UV and IR Wavelengths for Cosmological and Astrophysical Applications
- Abundance Analysis of [alpha] Centauri A
- The SB3 Star 74 Aqr: Abundances and Magnetic Field
- Nitrogen Isotope Ratios in Comets
- Finding Stable Fits for Extrasolar Planetary Systems
- Heavy Calcium in CP Stars: A New Isotopic Anomaly
- The Li Abundance and the Age of AB Dor Association
- Si and Ca Abundances of a Selected Sample of Evolved Stars
- Abundance Trends with Condensation Temperature in Planet-harbouring Stars: Hints of Pollution?
- Using the HeII Ly[alpha] Forest to Constrain the Temperature of the IGM
- Production of H[subscript 3 superscript +] and D[subscript 3 superscript +] from (CH[subscript 3])[subscript 2]CO and (CD[subscript 3])[subscript 2]CO in PDR'S
- Bisectors as Distance Estimators for Microquasars?
- Metallicity of Pleiades Dwarf
- Precision of Radial Velocity Surveys using Multiobject Spectrographs - Experiences with Hectochelle
- High Resolution Study of the Young Quadruple System AO Vel with an Eclipsing BpSi Primary
- A Survey for Extrasolar Planets Around A-F Type Stars
- A Study of the Magnetic Helium Variable Emission-line Star HD 125823
- bHROS: The High-Resolution Optical Spectrograph at Gemini South
- Stellar Wobble Caused by a Binary System: Investigation in the Framework of the General Three Body Problem
- The Chemical Composition of B-type Pulsators: Some Unexpected Results
- Radial Velocity Precision in the Near-Infrared with T-EDI
- HD154708 - The Challenging Abundance Analysis of an Extremely Magnetic Star
- A Search for Disk-Locking in the Chamaeleon I Star Forming Region
- A Precision Radial Velocity Survey of Red Giants
- Chromospheric Lines as Diagnostics of Stellar Oscillations
- Comparing 3D Solar Model Atmospheres with Observations: Hydrogen Lines and Centre-to-limb Variations
- Towards the Detection of Reflected Light from Exo-planets: a Comparison of Two Methods
- A Correlation Between the Activity Level and the Radial-velocity for Solar-type Stars?
- Spectroscopic Parameters for a Sample of Metal-rich Solar-type Stars
- Radial Velocity Search for Extrasolar Planets in Binary Systems
- Inferring Photospheric Velocities from P Cygni Lines in Type IIP Supernova Atmospheres
- High-resolution Spectroscopic Characterization of Young Stars
- TIRAVEL - Template Independent RAdial VELocity Measurement