Field arithmetic /
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Author / Creator: | Fried, Michael D., 1942- |
Edition: | 3rd ed., rev. / by Moshe Jarden. |
Imprint: | Berlin : Springer, c2008. |
Description: | xxiii, 792 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. |
Language: | English |
Series: | Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 0071-1136 ; 3. Folge, v. 11 = A series of modern surveys in mathematics Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete ; 3. Folge, Bd. 11. |
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Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | |
Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1. Infinite Galois Theory and Profinite Groups
- 1.1. Inverse Limits
- 1.2. Profinite Groups
- 1.3. Infinite Galois Theory
- 1.4. The p-adic Integers and the Prüfer Group
- 1.5. The Absolute Galois Group of a Finite Field
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 2. Valuations and Linear Disjointness
- 2.1. Valuations, Places, and Valuation Rings
- 2.2. Discrete Valuations
- 2.3. Extensions of Valuations and Places
- 2.4. Integral Extensions and Dedekind Domains
- 2.5. Linear Disjointness of Fields
- 2.6. Separable, Regular, and Primary Extensions
- 2.7. The Imperfect Degree of a Field
- 2.8. Derivatives
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 3. Algebraic Function Fields of One Variable
- 3.1. Function Fields of One Variable
- 3.2. The Riemann-Roch Theorem
- 3.3. Holomorphy Rings
- 3.4. Extensions of Function Fields
- 3.5. Completions
- 3.6. The Different
- 3.7. Hyperelliptic Fields
- 3.8. Hyperelliptic Fields with a Rational quadratic Subfield
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 4. The Riemann Hypothesis for Function Fields
- 4.1. Class Numbers
- 4.2. Zeta Functions
- 4.3. Zeta Functions under Constant Field Extensions
- 4.4. The Functional Equation
- 4.5. The Riemann Hypothesis and Degree 1 Prime Divisors
- 4.6. Reduction Steps
- 4.7. An Upper Bound
- 4.8. A Lower Bound
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 5. Plane Curves
- 5.1. Affine and Projective Plane Curves
- 5.2. Points and prime divisors
- 5.3. The Genus of a Plane Curve
- 5.4. Points on a Curve over a Finite Field
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 6. The Chebotarev Density Theorem
- 6.1. Decomposition Groups
- 6.2. The Artin Symbol over Global Fields
- 6.3. Dirichlet Density
- 6.4. Function Fields
- 6.5. Number Fields
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 7. Ultraproducts
- 7.1. First Order Predicate Calculus
- 7.2. Structures
- 7.3. Models
- 7.4. Elementary Substructures
- 7.5. Ultrafilters
- 7.6. Regular Ultrafilters
- 7.7. Ultraproducts
- 7.8. Regular Ultraproducts
- 7.9. Nonprincipal Ultraproducts of Finite Fields
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 8. Decision Procedures
- 8.1. Deduction Theory
- 8.2. Gödel's Completeness Theorem
- 8.3. Primitive Recursive Functions
- 8.4. Primitive Recursive Relations
- 8.5. Recursive Functions
- 8.6. Recursive and Primitive Recursive Procedures
- 8.7. A Reduction Step in Decidability Procedures
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 9. Algebraically Closed Fields
- 9.1. Elimination of Quantifiers
- 9.2. A Quantifiers Elimination Procedure
- 9.3. Effectiveness
- 9.4. Applications
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 10. Elements of Algebraic Geometry
- 10.1. Algebraic Sets
- 10.2. Varieties
- 10.3. Substitutions in Irreducible Polynomials
- 10.4. Rational Maps
- 10.5. Hyperplane Sections
- 10.6. Descent
- 10.7. Projective Varieties
- 10.8. About the Language of Algebraic Geometry
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 11. Pseudo Algebraically Closed Fields
- 11.1. PAC Fields
- 11.2. Reduction to Plane Curves
- 11.3. The PAC Property is an Elementary Statement
- 11.4. PAC Fields of Positive Characteristic
- 11.5. PAC Fields with Valuations
- 11.6. The Absolute Galois Group of a PAC Field
- 11.7. A non-PAC Field K with K ins PAC
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 12. Hilbertian Fields
- 12.1. Hilbert Sets and Reduction Lemmas
- 12.2. Hilbert Sets under Separable Algebraic Extensions
- 12.3. Purely Inseparable Extensions
- 12.4. Imperfect fields
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 13. The Classical Hilbertian Fields
- 13.1. Further Reduction
- 13.2. Function Fields over Infinite Fields
- 13.3. Global Fields
- 13.4. Hilbertian Rings
- 13.5. Hilbertianity via Coverings
- 13.6. Non-Hilbertian g-Hilbertian Fields
- 13.7. Twisted Wreath Products
- 13.8. The Diamond Theorem
- 13.9. Weissauer's Theorem
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 14. Nonstandard Structures
- 14.1. Higher Order Predicate Calculus
- 14.2. Enlargements
- 14.3. Concurrent Relations
- 14.4. The Existence of Enlargements
- 14.5. Examples
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 15. Nonstandard Approach to Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem
- 15.1. Criteria for Hilbertianity
- 15.2. Arithmetical Primes Versus Functional Primes
- 15.3. Fields with the Product Formula
- 15.4. Generalized Krull Domains
- 15.5. Examples
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 16. Galois Groups over Hilbertian Fields
- 16.1. Galois Groups of Polynomials
- 16.2. Stable Polynomials
- 16.3. Regular Realization of Finite Abelian Groups
- 16.4. Split Embedding Problems with Abelian Kernels
- 16.5. Embedding Quadratic Extensions in {{\cal Z}}/2^n{{\cal Z}} -extensions
- 16.6. {{\cal Z}}_p -Extensions of Hilbertian Fields
- 16.7. Symmetric and Alternating Groups over Hilbertian Fields
- 16.8. GAR-Realizations
- 16.9. Embedding Problems over Hilbertian Fields
- 16.10. Finitely Generated Profinite Groups
- 16.11. Abelian Extensions of Hilbertian Fields
- 16.12. Regularity of Finite Groups over Complete Discrete Valued Fields
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 17. Free Profinite Groups
- 17.1. The Rank of a Profinite Group
- 17.2. Profinite Completions of Groups
- 17.3. Formations of Finite Groups
- 17.4. Free pro-C Groups
- 17.5. Subgroups of Free Discrete Groups
- 17.6. Open Subgroups of Free Profinite Groups
- 17.7. An Embedding Property
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 18. The Haar Measure
- 18.1. The Haar Measure of a Profinite Group
- 18.2. Existence of the Haar Measure
- 18.3. Independence
- 18.4. Cartesian Product of Haar Measures
- 18.5. The Haar Measure of the Absolute Galois Group
- 18.6. The PAC Nullstellensatz
- 18.7. The Bottom Theorem
- 18.8. PAC Fields over Uncountable Hilbertian Fields
- 18.9. On the Stability of Fields
- 18.10. PAC Galois Extensions of Hilbertian Fields
- 18.11. Algebraic Groups
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 19. Effective Field Theory and Algebraic Geometry
- 19.1. Presented Rings and Fields
- 19.2. Extensions of Presented Fields
- 19.3. Galois Extensions of Presented Fields
- 19.4. The Algebraic and Separable Closures of Presented Fields
- 19.5. Constructive Algebraic Geometry
- 19.6. Presented Rings and Constructible Sets
- 19.7. Basic Normal Stratification
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 20. The Elementary Theory of e-Free PAC Fields
- 20.1. N 1 -Saturated PAC Fields
- 20.2. The Elementary Equivalence Theorem of N 1 -Saturated PAC Fields
- 20.3. Elementary Equivalence of PAC Fields
- 20.4. On e-Free PAC Fields
- 20.5. The Elementary Theory of Perfect e-Free PAC Fields
- 20.6. The Probable Truth of a Sentence
- 20.7. Change of Base Field
- 20.8. The Fields K s (¿ 1 ,..., ¿ e )
- 20.9. The Transfer Theorem
- 20.10. The Elementary Theory of Finite Fields
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 21. Problems of Arithmetical Geometry
- 21.1. The Decomposition-Intersection Procedure
- 21.2. C i -Fields and Weakly C i -Fields
- 21.3. Perfect PAC Fields which are C i
- 21.4. The Existential Theory of PAC Fields
- 21.5. Kronecker Classes of Number Fields
- 21.6. Davenport's Problem
- 21.7. On permutation Groups
- 21.8. Schur's Conjecture
- 21.9. Generalized Carlitz's Conjecture
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 22. Projective Groups and Frattini Covers
- 22.1. The Frattini Groups of a Profinite Group
- 22.2. Cartesian Squares
- 22.3. On C Projective Groups
- 22.4. Projective Groups
- 22.5. Frattini Covers
- 22.6. The Universal Frattini Cover
- 22.7. Projective Pro-p-Groups
- 22.8. Supernatural Numbers
- 22.9. The Sylow Theorems
- 22.10. On Complements of Normal Subgroups
- 22.11. The Universal Frattini p-Cover
- 22.12. Examples of Universal Frattini p-Covers
- 22.13. The Special Linear Group SL(2, {{\cal Z}}_p )
- 22.14. The General Linear Group GL(2, {{\cal Z}}_p )
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 23. PAC Fields and Projective Absolute Galois Groups
- 23.1. Projective Groups as Absolute Galois Groups
- 23.2. Countably Generated Projective Groups
- 23.3. Perfect PAC Fields of Bounded Corank
- 23.4. Basic Elementary Statements
- 23.5. Reduction Steps
- 23.6. Application of Ultraproducts
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 24. Frobenius Fields
- 24.1. The Field Crossing Argument
- 24.2. The Beckmann-Black Problem
- 24.3. The Embedding Property and Maximal Frattini Covers
- 24.4. The Smallest Embedding Cover of a Profinite Group
- 24.5. A Decision Procedure
- 24.6. Examples
- 24.7. Non-projective Smallest Embedding Cover
- 24.8. A Theorem of Iwasawa
- 24.9. Free Profinite Groups of at most Countable Rank
- 24.10. Application of the Nielsen-Schreier Formula
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 25. Free Profinite Groups of Infinite Rank
- 25.1. Characterization of Free Profinite Groups by Embedding Problems
- 25.2. Applications of Theorem 25.1.7
- 25.3. The Pro-C Completion of a Free Discrete Group
- 25.4. The Group Theoretic Diamond Theorem
- 25.5. The Melnikov Group of a Profinite Group
- 25.6. Homogeneous Pro-C Groups
- 25.7. The S-rank of Closed Normal Subgroups
- 25.8. Closed Normal Subgroups with a Basis Element
- 25.9. Accessible Subgroups
- Notes
- Chapter 26. Random Elements in Free Profinite Groups
- 26.1. Random Elements in a Free Profinite Group
- 26.2. Random Elements in Free pro-p Groups
- 26.3. Random e-tuples in \hat {{\op Z}}^n
- 26.4. On the Index of Normal Subgroups Generated by Random Elements
- 26.5. Freeness of Normal Subgroups Generated by Random Elements
- Notes
- Chapter 27. Omega-Free PAC Fields
- 27.1. Model Companions
- 27.2. The Model Companion in an Augmented Theory of Fields
- 27.3. New Non-Classical Hilbertian Fields
- 27.4. An abundance of ¿-Free PAC Fields
- Notes
- Chapter 28. Undecidability
- 28.1. Turing Machines
- 28.2. Computation of Functions by Turing Machines
- 28.3. Recursive Inseparability of Sets of Turing Machines
- 28.4. The Predicate Calculus
- 28.5. Undecidability in the Theory of Graphs
- 28.6. Assigning Graphs to Profinite Groups
- 28.7. The Graph Conditions
- 28.8. Assigning Profinite Groups to Graphs
- 28.9. Assigning Fields to Graphs
- 28.10. Interpretation of the Theory of Graphs in the Theory of Fields
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 29. Algebraically Closed Fields with Distinguished Automorphisms
- 29.1. The Base Field K
- 29.2. Coding in PAC Fields with Monadic Quantifiers
- 29.3. The Theory of Almost all ⟨ \tilde {{K}} , ¿ 1 , ..., ¿ e ⟩'s
- 29.4. The Probability of Truth Sentences
- Chapter 30. Galois Stratification
- 30.1. The Artin Symbol
- 30.2. Conjugacy Domains under Projection
- 30.3. Normal Stratification
- 30.4. Elimination of One Variable
- 30.5. The Complete Elimination Procedure
- 30.6. Model-Theoretic Applications
- 30.7. A Limit of Theories
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 31. Galois Stratification over Finite Fields
- 31.1. The Elementary Theory of Frobenius Fields
- 31.2. The Elementary Theory of Finite Fields
- 31.3. Near Rationality of the Zeta Function of a Galois Formula
- Exercises
- Notes
- Chapter 32. Problems of Field Arithmetic
- 32.1. Open Problems of the First Edition
- 32.2. Open Problems of the Second Edition
- 32.3. Open problems
- References
- Index