Review by Choice Review
Cantor, a landscape architect, has compiled the most comprehensive collection of green roof information in one book that this reviewer is aware of to date. He does an outstanding job of introducing the concept of green roofs as a form of landscaping, and defining green roofs and how they can contribute to sustainable living through all the benefits that they can provide. He then goes through the steps in the design process; discusses potential green roof systems and their components, such as plant selections and drainage options; and leads the reader to other sources for additional information. Cantor also allocates 155 pages to profile numerous green roofs in Europe and North America. On many of these projects, he discusses the background history of the project and how the roofs were constructed and maintained, provides plant lists, and includes numerous color photographs from different stages in the construction process. He closes by speculating on the future of green roofs and includes appendixes with information on green roof organizations, manufacturers, and sample specifications. The book is a must for landscape architects, engineers, contractors, or anyone interested in green roofs or sustainable design. Summing Up: Essential. All collections. B. Rowe Michigan State University
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review