Kinship by covenant : a canonical approach to the fulfillment of God's saving promises /
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Author / Creator: | Hahn, Scott. |
Imprint: | New Haven : Yale University Press, c2009. |
Description: | xiv, 589 p. ; 25 cm. |
Language: | English |
Series: | The Anchor Yale Bible reference library Anchor Yale Bible reference library. |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
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Table of Contents:
- Introduction. Covenant research in modern biblical scholarship ; Recent covenant research : the status quaestionis ; Goal and methodology ; The definition and typology of covenant ; The plan for this study
- The kinship covenant in the Old Testament. The kinship covenant ; Three examples of secular kinship covenants in the Book of Genesis ; Covenant ritual at Sinai : divine kinship covenant in Exodus 24 ; Conclusions
- The treaty-type covenant in the Old Testament. The treaty-type covenant ; Covenant and oath in the Old Testament ; Familial terms and relations ; Examples of secular treaty-type covenants ; The divine treaty-type covenant of Deuteronomy ; Distinctive aspects of the Deuteronomic covenant ; Periodic renewals of the Deuteronomic covenant ; Theological observations and conclusions
- The grant-type covenant in the Old Testament. The Noahic covenant (Gen 6-9) ; Excursus : Shem in the Genesis narrative ; Conclusions
- The Abrahamic grant-type covenant. The Abrahamic covenant exhibits grant-type features ; The promissory elements in Genesis 12 and the covenants in Genesis 15, 17, and 22 ; The covenant history of Abraham as the covenant history of Israel ; The cumulative nature of the divine covenants ; The Aqedah and the divine oath in Genesis 22 ; Abram, Melchizedek, and Salem in Genesis 14 ; Conclusions
- The Levitical grant-type covenant. Priesthood and primogeniture in the Book of Genesis ; Priesthood and primogeniture in the Book of Exodus ; Apostasy and covenant renewal following the golden calf ; Leviticus as a grant-type covenant ; The literary-historical development of the Levitical covenant ; Conclusions
- The Davidic grant-type covenant. The Davidic covenant : a grant-type covenant ; The purposes of the Davidic covenant ; The content of the divine oath to David ; The divine sonship of the Davidic king ; The relationship of the Davidic covenant to other biblical covenants ; The Davidic covenant constellation ; The new Exodus and the restoration of the Davidic covenant in the Prophets ; Davidic covenant restoration in the Second Temple literature ; Conclusions
- Davidic covenant fulfillment in Luke-Acts. Davidic kingdom restoration in Luke ; The institution narrative (Luke 22:14-30) ; The ecclesiological significance of the institution narrative for Acts ; Davidic kingdom but not covenant? ; Conclusions
- Covenant, oath, and divine sonship in Galatians 3-4. Preliminaries ; Galatians 3:6-9 : God's promissory oath to Abraham as "the Gospel" ; Galatians 3:10-14 : the Deuteronomic covenant curses borne by Christ ; Galatians 3:15-18 : the priority of the Abrahamic covenant oath ; Galatians 3:16 : the one "seed" as Christ ; Galatians 3:19-22 : Mosaic covenant law added for transgressions ; Galatians 3:23-29 : from a servile pedagogy to the spirit of sonship ; Galatians 4:1-7 : from servants to sons in the fullness of time ; Galatians 4:21-31 : God disinherits the circumcised seed of Abraham ; The "works of the law" in light of Galatians 3-4 ; Conclusions
- Hebrews 1-9 : covenant, oath, and royal priestly primogeniture. Hebrews 1 : Jesus, firstborn Son and priest-king, is superior to angels ; Hebrews 2 : Jesus restores humanity's lost glory and dominion for Abraham's seed ; Hebrews 3:1-6 : Jesus, the royal Davidic priest, is superior to Moses, old covenant mediator ; Hebrews 3:7-4:13 : Christ offers the "rest" lost by Israel and humanity ; Hebrews 4:14-5:10 : Christ our sympathetic high priest like Melchizedek ; Hebrews 5:11-6:20 : exhortation to persevere, trusting in God's oath to Abraham ; Hebrews 7 : Jesus, a royal priestly firstborn like Melchizedek ; Hebrews 8-9 : Jesus mediates a better covenant than the Levitical highpriest ; Hebrews 9:15-22 and the meaning of diathēkē ; Diathēkē as "covenant" in Hebrews 9:16-17 ; Exegesis of Hebrews 9:15-18 ; Hebrews 9:15 and the old and new covenants ; Summary ; Conclusions ; Appendix : Jesus' death as liturgical sacrifice in Hebrews
- Concluding theological reflections.