NMR for physical and biological scientists /
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Author / Creator: | Pochapsky, Thomas C. |
Imprint: | New York : Taylor & Francis, c2007. |
Description: | xxii, 372 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. |
Language: | English |
Subject: | |
Format: | Print Book |
URL for this record: | http://pi.lib.uchicago.edu/1001/cat/bib/7993931 |
Table of Contents:
- Preface
- Symbols and fundamental constants
- 1. What is spectroscopy?
- A semiclassical description of spectroscopy
- Damped harmonics
- Quantum oscillators
- The spectroscopic experiment
- Ensembles and coherence
- Types of spectroscopy
- Practical considerations in spectroscopy
- Acquiring a spectrum
- Resolution: the problem of line width
- Line shape
- Problems
- 2. Elementary aspects of NMR: I. Introduction to spins, ensemble behavior and coupling
- Nuclear and electronic spin
- The quantum picture of nuclear spin
- The "spinning top" model of nuclear spin
- Spin-state populations in ensembles
- Information available from NMR: 1. Nuclear shielding and chemical shift
- Information available from NMR: 2. Scalar coupling
- Information available from NMR: 3. Dipolar coupling
- Information available from NMR: 4. Dynamics
- J-coupling time scale, decoupling experiments and exchange decoupling
- Interaction between nuclear spins and radio-frequency (RF) EMR: 1. RF decoupling
- Problems
- 3. Elementary aspects of NMR: II. Fourier transform NMR
- Interaction between nuclear spins and RF: 2. A single spin in the rotating frame of reference
- Interaction between nuclear spins and RF: 3. An ensemble of spins in the rotating frame of reference
- Detection of an NMR signal
- Time-domain detection in the NMR experiment: the free induction decay and quadrature detection
- Digitization of the free induction decay
- Fourier transformation: time-domain FID to frequency-domain spectrum
- Discrete Fourier transformation
- Spectral phasing
- RF pulses and pulse phase
- Pulse power and off-resonance effects from RF pulses
- Phase cycling: improved quadrature detection using CYCLOPS
- Factors affecting spectral quality and appearance: shimming, window functions and apodization
- After the fact: window functions and zero filling
- Linear prediction
- Problems
- References
- 4. Nuclear spin relaxation and the nuclear Overhauser effect
- Longitudinal (T[subscript 1]) relaxation and the sensitivity of the NMR experiment
- Transverse (T[subscript 2]) relaxation and the spin-echo experiment
- Chemical shift and J-coupling evolution during the spin echo
- Mechanisms of nuclear spin relaxation in liquids and the spectral density function
- Dipolar relaxation and the nuclear Overhauser effect
- NOE measurements, indirect NOEs and saturation transfer
- Heteronuclear NOE and the Solomon equation
- Other contributions to T[subscript 1] relaxation: chemical shift anisotropy, spin-rotation and paramagnetic effects
- Quadrupolar relaxation
- Selective and nonselective T[subscript 1] measurement and multi-exponential decay of coherence
- Problems
- References
- 5. Classical and quantum descriptions of NMR experiments in liquids
- The classical approach: the Bloch equations of motion for macroscopic magnetization
- Classical description of a pulsed NMR experiment
- A quantum mechanical description of NMR of a single spin in an isotropic liquid
- A quantum mechanical description of NMR of coupled spins in an isotropic liquid
- The time-dependent nuclear spin Hamiltonian operator and solutions to the time-dependent Schrodinger equation
- Problems
- References
- 6. Density operator and product operator descriptions of NMR experiments in liquids
- An ensemble of identical spins at equilibrium: an introduction to the density matrix formalism
- Expansion of the density matrix for an uncoupled spin in terms of Cartesian angular momentum operators
- Weakly coupled ensembles and the weak-coupling approximation
- Single-element operators for a two-spin system
- Interconversion between the single-element and the Cartesian operator bases
- Evolution of Cartesian operators under the influence of pulses, chemical shift and J-coupling
- Evolution of operators with weak J-coupling
- Analysis of a simple NMR spectrum using product operators
- Problems
- References
- 7. Multidimensional NMR: homonuclear experiments and coherence selection
- A simple two-dimensional NMR experiment
- Coherence transfer in multidimensional NMR
- The COSY experiment
- Quadrature detection in multidimensional NMR
- Axial peaks
- Phase cycling and coherence order selection: the DQF-COSY experiment
- Other multiple-quantum filters in COSY
- Multiple-quantum spectroscopy
- Effect of [pi] pulses on coherence
- Pulsed-field gradients for coherence selection
- The gradient COSY experiment
- "Zero-quantum filtered COSY": NOESY and incoherent transfer
- Rotating frame NOEs: CAMELSPIN and ROESY
- Spin-locking experiments for coherence transfer: TOCSY and composite pulse decoupling
- Problems
- References
- 8. Heteronuclear correlations in NMR
- Heteronuclear polarization transfer and the INEPT experiment
- Refocused INEPT
- Two-dimensional polarization transfer: HETCOR
- Sensitive nucleus (inverse) detection of an insensitive nucleus: the double INEPT or HSQC experiment
- Multiple-quantum approaches to heteronuclear correlation: DEPT and HMQC
- Gradient coherence selection in heteronuclear correlation NMR
- Phase-sensitive gradient coherence selection experiments for heteronuclear correlations
- Sensitivity enhancement in gradient coherence selection experiments
- Problems
- References
- 9. Building blocks for multidimensional NMR and special considerations for biological applications of NMR
- Polarization transfer
- Solvent suppression
- Frequency-labeling periods and constant time NMR experiments
- Shaped and selective pulses
- Composite pulse decoupling and spin-locking
- Dealing with very large biomolecules in solution: deuteration and direct [superscript 13]C detection
- Interference patterns in heteronuclear relaxation: TROSY
- Problems
- References
- 10. NMR under anisotropic conditions: NMR in the solid state and ordered fluids
- Anisotropy in NMR: chemical shielding and dipolar coupling
- Resolving the solid-state NMR spectrum: magic angle spinning (MAS) and high-power [superscript 1]H decoupling
- Cross-polarization for signal enhancement of dilute spins and spin-spin correlations
- Selective reintroduction of dipolar couplings between dilute spins: rotational resonance, RFDR, and REDOR
- Heteronuclear two-dimensional techniques in solid-state NMR
- Solid-state NMR using oriented samples: PISEMA
- Bringing a little order to solution NMR: residual dipolar couplings and CSA in ordered fluids
- Analysis of residual dipolar couplings
- Problems
- References
- 11. Relaxation revisited: dynamic processes and paramagnetism
- Time scales of molecular motion, dynamic processes and relaxation
- The spectral density revisited
- Experimental measurement of heteronuclear relaxation parameters in proteins
- Model-free analysis of spin relaxation
- Chemical exchange and motion on slow and intermediate time scales (10-[superscript 6] s-10-[superscript 1] s)
- Measurement of R[subscript ex]
- Quadrupolar relaxation
- Hyperfine interactions and paramagnetic shifts of nuclear spins
- Paramagnetic relaxation of nuclear spins
- Relaxation and the density matrix
- Problems
- References
- 12. Diffusion, imaging, and flow
- Magnetic field inhomogeneity, T[subscript 2]([subscript macro]) and diffusion measurement by NMR
- Basic imaging concepts: phase and frequency encoding of position in a macroscopic sample
- Spatially selective pulses
- Spatial equivalents of NMR parameters
- Basic two-dimensional imaging sequences
- k-Space
- Contrast and contrast agents, relaxation, and flow
- Rapid-scan MRI: echo-planar imaging and one-shot methods
- Problems
- References
- Appendix A. Time-dependent perturbations
- The time-dependent Schrodinger equation and superposition states
- Hilbert space, eigenvectors, and superposition of states
- Perturbation theory: time-dependent perturbations of the Hamiltonian
- Semiclassical interactions between EMR and quantum oscillators using perturbation theory
- Appendix B. Density matrix formalism and the relaxation supermatrix
- A density matrix description of the [superscript 1]H, [superscript 15]N HMQC experiment
- RF pulses
- Time evolution of the density matrix with chemical shift and coupling
- Semiclassical relaxation theory and the Redfield relaxation matrix
- Index