Review by Choice Review
More than 20 years ago, Tiner (Univ. of Massachusetts), a recognized wetlands ecologist, published Field Guide to Coastal Wetland Plants of the Northeastern United States (CH, Jul'87), which filled a need by providing nonbotanists a convenient aid to plant identification. His current volume utilizes this same approach with excellent drawings (by Abigail Rorer) of approximately 550 species and concise plant descriptions of more than 700 species, which avoid the technical language of the taxonomist. A series of keys arranged by habitat and plant type (e.g., rocky shore, brackish marsh shrubs, brackish marsh flowering herbs) generally direct the user to a small number of pages to identify an unknown plant. Improvements in the current volume include an expanded geographical treatment with the addition of the Canadian maritime provinces, more macroalgae and beach plants, and updated nomenclature following the many recent changes in genera (e.g., Aster). This work will serve as a good reference guide for the wetlands specialist and as a useful resource for those with a limited botanical background who are interested in identifying coastal plants. See also Tiner's Wetland Indicators (CH, Nov'99, 37-1546) and In Search of Swampland (CH, Nov'98, 36-1568). Summing Up: Recommended. All levels of undergraduates, general readers, and professionals/practitioners. D. A. Lovejoy Westfield State College
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review