Hidden Bibliographic Details
Varying Form of Title: | Spine title on container: Adalot o ekti meye
Other authors / contributors: | Siṃha, Tapana, 1924-2009, direction.
Heart Video (Firm)
LC Purchase Collection (Library of Congress)
Provenance: | Received: 2009-01-14 from New Delhi OvOp Office; purchase; LC Purchase Collection.
Notes: | Copyright notice on disc: Heart Video. Originally released theatrically in 1982. Not viewed. Sources used: DVD container; imdb.com; cataloging record from OvOp field office. Citraślipī, Bimala Mukhopāhyāẏa ; sampādanā, Subodha Rāẏa ; saṅgīta, Satyena Cyāṭārjī. Tanuja, Manoj Mitra, Vishwa Guha Thakurata, Nirmal Kumar In Bengali with English subtitles.
Summary: | The film is based on the true story of an unmarried female school teacher, who is gang raped while on vacation with her friends. She is put on trial and faces embarrassment in the courtroom, which shows the unjust reactions of society towards her.