Notes: | Possibly the work of Father Juan Luque Buitrón, whose Modo de administrar los sacramentos was published in Guatemala in 1752. See also Bibliotheca hispanoamericana / José Mariano Beristain. Mexico, 1883, v. 2, p. 197. Ownership stamp of the Bibliothèque Royale on p. [1], [3], and [77]. Omont, Henri. Catalogue des manuscrits américains de la Bibliothèque nationale, 2. Location of original: Bibliothèque nationale, Paris, France. In Quiché and Spanish.
Summary: | Microfilm reproduction of an unsigned, undated devotional handbook (79 pages), probably from the 18th century, containing prayers and catechisms for the instruction of the Quiché Indians in Christian doctrine. The handbook is divided into three sections, to be used on a rotating basis on Sundays and feast-days throughout the year. The first section, "Primera enseñanza," contains prayers in Quiché and Spanish, including the Lord's Prayer, Ave María, Salve Regina, and Apostles' Creed; a catechism; and a general confession. The second section, "Segunda enseñanza," contains texts in Spanish and Quiché of the 14 articles of faith; the Ten Commandments; the commandments of the Church; and a catechism on the seven sacraments. The final section, "Tercera enseñanza," repeats the articles of faith, and also includes catechisms in Spanish and Quiché concerning Enoch and Elijah; the false miracles of the Anti-Christ; the end of the world; and prayers to be said each Friday for the sufferings of Christ. Quiché and Spanish texts are arranged in parallel columns on each page.