Review by Choice Review
MATLAB is a popular programming platform in engineering education for its intuitive syntax, graphic visualization, facility with vector and matrix operations, and wide variety of add-on toolboxes available for specific applications. Kattan has updated his guide to the unofficial "Finite Elements Toolbox" for MATLAB in this new edition (1st ed., 2003). The finite element method is a commonly used computational technique for solving continuous or discrete problems in mechanics and transport phenomena, particularly for complex geometries. This book is most appropriate as a course resource on practical implementation of finite elements for mechanical engineering undergraduate students who have either already taken or are concurrently taking an introductory course in solid mechanics. All MATLAB programs cited are on the accompanying CD-ROM. The book's style is straightforward and easy to comprehend, although the format does tend to become a bit repetitive if it is read straight through rather than used as a reference. The methods described within are an easy way for students to get up to speed with finite elements. Two new chapters have been added to this edition, one on solid 3-D elements and the other on fluid flow. Summing Up: Recommended. Lower- and upper-division undergraduates; professionals. M. R. King University of Rochester
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review