Review by Choice Review
An index to all the proper names occurring in the speeches of Cicero. Latin names are arranged in clear, conventional fashion, following the practice of the Pauly-Wissowa Real-Encyclopadie der Classischen Alterzumswissenschaft (RE). Greek names are as they appear in the text of Cicero. The user will find names conveniently subdivided as follows: persons and deities; cognomina; places; laws; the 35 tribes; and miscellaneous names. The author's introductory chapter on Tria Nomina advances his own cautious views on the conventions of Roman naming and the rhetorical and social implications of these conventions. The bibliography is up-to-date. Several names appear in this index but not in RE. With some exceptions, biographical details must still be sought in RE and other standard encyclopedias. This onomasticon will, therefore, be of principal value to dedicated students of Cicero and Republican Latinity. For these students the author has provided a vade mecum. -E. R. Mix, Elmira College
Copyright American Library Association, used with permission.
Review by Choice Review