Summary: | Data/information is the essential requirement for planning and development " climate change & himalayan ecosystem-indicator, bio & water resources" consists basic information and data on glaciers, climate change indicators & projections, water resources and biodiversity hot spots of mount himalaya. Studies on : climate change and the recession pattern of the glaciers in the himalaya" of this book concludes that " possibility of the rivers in the Himalayas drying up a consequence of rapid degeneration of the glaciers is not borne out by the past history". In this book, study conducted in watershed of central himalaya, a decision support system (DSS) is introduced as interactive tool that understands the problem and explores various courses about water demand and supply management to help decision makers. Himalayan foreland basin derivatives hold records of climate changes in response to monsoonal circulation. In this study detrital records (11 to 5 Ma) of Ramganga sub-basin of HFB are focused to understand the climate aspect during its deposition. Himalayan biodiversity conservation is discussed in detail in this book. It infers that in himalaya with the current technological capability, it is very certain that the present species extinction rate will overtake the biodiversity inventorization and characterization. Carbon sequestration potential of the forests of himalaya is analyzed in this book. This book has a detailed account of the altitudinal shiftiness of butterflies due to increase of air temperature at West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. Changes in NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) over a period of several years, is examined in this study to assess the changes caused by climate or socioeconomic aspects. This book will be a hand book for researchers, students, environmentalist and to administrators who are associated with multi dimensional decision support system in mountain ecosystem.