Summary: | "'Austrheim i fortid og notid' (Austrheim before and now) is a book about those who live and have lived in Austrheim. It starts in the 14th century, when we have the first written sources where Austrheim is mentioned. From the end of the 16th century we know the names of most of the leaseholders in Austrheim. From about year 1700 it is possible to find out the family relations, so one can draw up family trees with roots back to that time. The information in the book is up to the present. ... There are 37 'farms' in Austrheim, with their own number (called 'gardsnummer' or 'gnr') from no 128 to 166. ... Each place of residence (or domicile) has in addition another number, called 'bruksnummer' or 'bnr'. The book is built around these numbers, so that the families are placed where they lived. Each family has got its own number from no 1 and upwards, and each child a letter from a. In this way it is possible to find from where people came, and to where they moved in Austrheim. If they came from or moved to places outside Austrheim, the name of community or country is usually mentioned, as well as name of spouse. Children who have not grown up in Austrheim will not be mentioned."--Volume 1, page 725