Notes: | Lettered: English chancery reports. General t.p. lacking in vols. 36-37, 39, 42-43, 47-69. Editors: v. 1-2, 14-20, 28-30, J.A. Dunlap; v. 21-27, 31-36, E.F. Smith; v. 37-41, J.L. Hanes; v. 42-43, Nathan Howard; v. 44-46, C.F. Stone. Vol. 32 includes "A complete index to all the American notes in this and the preceding 31 volumes." Title varies: v. 1-3, 16, 18, 23-24, 47-49, Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery : with notes and references to both English and American decisions (varies slightly); v. 15, 17, Reports of cases in chancery argued and determined in the Rolls Court ... [etc.]; v. 19-22, 25-46, Reports of cases argued and determined in the English Court of Chancery [etc.].