Summary: | A group of social outcasts establish themselves as a new order to give self deceit a better name. Set in a surreal town called Faeryville, the group's school is ruled by hip teens who are convinced by their leader, W. Ashe Faeke, that they have been oppressed all their lives by their parents, society, culture and religion so as to conform them to the Standards of the Ideal Faeryvillian. Banding together with Faeke are Toilet Duck, Lipp, Edgey and Wynn, and they lead a resistance group against Faeryville's establishment, calling themselves The Tzaintes. The formation of The Tzaintes gives the outcasts hope but is not understood in Faeryville town. This sets in motion a move by the authorities to subdue and destroy the new reality created by the outcasts. Filmmaker Tzang Merwyn Tong has created a fiction that deals with the real growing pains of teenagers and their attempts to make sense of society. [e' Tzaintes] (pronounced as 'the saints') is a low-budget independent film made by non-professionals.