Summary: | At the start of their India project, teachers from Braunton Secondary School in Devon have used video to record their pupils' initial ideas. Deputy headteacher David Butt starts by recording his pupils discussion as they pose questions about India in a geography lesson. These are sent by email to their Indian partner school; before getting the answers, the pupils try to guess what the answers might be. Not surprisingly, when the answers come back there are a few surprises, like the length of the school day - from 8am to 8:30pm! The next stage is for the pupils to video a conversation with an Indian visitor, Rittika Chanda Parruck from the British Council in Delhi, which exposes some further misconceptions. In the discussion that follows, Rittika is joined by David, by the school's head of geography and by a local authority adviser. The group discusses the value of using video as a means of gathering evidence from the start of the project.