Summary: | Committee Serial T. CRS-prepared report to the Subcom on Science, Research, and Development overviewing the evolution of voluntary products standards (VPS) in both the private and Government sectors of the U.S., and international standardization activities. Provides brief review of terminology used in field, impacts on standardization, and pending legislation, H.R. 7506 and S. 1761, to promote U.S. participation in international voluntary standards activities. Historical background of standards during the 20th century and description of current status of VPS focuses on roles of National Bureau of Standards and American National Standards Institute (ANSI), formerly known as American Standards Institute (ASI) and U.S.A. Standards Institute (USASI). (p. 1-34) Also examines growing governmental trend to set mandatory standards for manufacturers in terms of product safety, occupational and public health, environmental, and other considerations. Aspects of international standardization include descriptions and impacts on American business of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), the International Standards Organization (ISO), regional European standards groups, and nontariff barriers to trade in relation to U.S. trade negotiations and GATT. (p. 38-66) Lists legislation introduced and related congressional hearings, 1963-73, and identifies problems and issues meriting congressional consideration. (p. 67-96) Includes glossary of terms associated with standardization (p. 97-106), and Appendix (p. 107-122) containing excerpts from Government-sponsored reports on standardization from 1965, 1968, and 1971, and selected bibliography.