Summary: | Set at a time when Darwin was reshaping the world and a new breed of explorer-hero possessed the popular imagination, this novel is a spellbinding tale of loss, discovery, and love that unwinds along a breathtakingly beautiful expedition up the Amazon. It is 1867, Philadelphia. More at ease among his books than in the field, Paul Ash takes a reluctant leave of absence from Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology to accompany his grieving stepmother and her young companion to the fabled River Sea. Paul holds no memory of the place, though he was born there. As it transpires, however, neither the region nor its people have forgotten Paul. The Amazon lays claim to him in no uncertain terms, but it also works a peculiar magic on both his father's lovely widow and her friend - a quiet little Quaker named Rachel Weaver who proves strangely at home in the wild.