Summary: | Ignac Tirs (Ignacio Tirsch) was born in Bohemia, in 1733. He was ordained as priest by the Compañía de Jesus in 1759 and sent to New Spain to join the missions in Baja California. First, he arrived at the mission Nuestra Señora de Loreto. Three years later, he moved to the mission Santiago de los Coras, where he worked until 1768, one year after the expulsion of the Jesuits began. In 1763 and 1764, Provincial Father Francisco de Zevallos requested some data from several priests from California in order to write the human, vegetal, animal, and mineral history of the peninsula. This work presents for the first time the reproduction in color of Tirœs paintings as well as extensive studies of the author and his works that will help to reconstruct the work and activities that he carried out during his stay at different missions in Baja California.