Summary: | The Hungarian World Encyclopedia is a collection of Hungarian-related issues, themes, events and persons. It attempts to present Hungarian history, culture and individuals who also shaped the life of the world throughout more than thousand years of history. It provides a cross-section of the Hungarian culture and presents the treasures of Hungarian heritage. Doing so, we believe, is an important contribution to the cultural wealth of mankind. The Hungarian World Encyclopedia has some 6000 entries which based on a number of available resources. At the end of each entry the letter "B" and the subsequent numbers indicate their bibliographical sources, and the letter "T" followed by its number specifies the translator's name, and there are also cross-references. All the names of the entry-writers, data-providers, chief contributors as well as text editors are listed in the Introduction, and the Bibliography, Rulers, Maps, etc., in the Appendix. The Hungarian World Encyclopedia is the work of more than a hundred volunteers from all over the world. From Hungary and its detached historical territories: Transylvania (now in Romania), Northern Upland (now in Slovakia), Sub-Carpathia (now in Ukraine), Southland (Vojvodina, now in Serbia), and the Hungarian Diaspora of Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland and the USA. To sum up: this Encyclopedia is the result of a combined effort of Hungarian experts worldwide. - Foreword.