Summary: | "Given the dramatic changes in health care and technology over the past decade, this book is not intended to be a restatement of the many well-established and now considered traditional tasks that health psychologists engage in. Rather, by highlighting innovative DoD and other programs, we offer new ways of thinking about health psychology that may serve as a guide for the future. The first chapter in this book, for example, provides a new conceptual model and practical primer for the delivery of services in a primary care setting. Imbedded in this and other chapters are paradigm shifts the reader is encouraged to make. The hallowed 50-minute therapy hour, for example, is replaced with an effective 15- to 30-minute session that complements the primary care physician. Where appropriate, authors provide the reader with helpful hints on how to make the transition to these new models a smooth one. In most training programs, it is the psychosocial aspects of the biopsychosocial model that are emphasized. Unfortunately, the biological aspect invariably gets short shrift. Psychological assessment in primary care and other medical settings demands a greater emphasis on medical history, medical assessment, and medical symptomology, and the authors of chapter 2 address this often missing link. In keeping with the expanding themes of the first two chapters, the third chapter further extends the influence of primary care psychologists through the use of telehealth, with specific attention to the clinical, ethical, and technical issues that emerge with the use of this technology. Next the book presents interventions and treatment models specific to the adult primary care setting. Chapter 4 addresses the importance of a multidisciplinary primary care approach in the treatment of pain management, and this is followed by chapters on treating cardiovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, diabetes mellitus, and insomnia. Pediatric behavioral health consultation, pediatric psychology in primary care, and school-based pediatric psychology models and interventions are presented in the next three chapters. The final three chapters in the book address the role of primary care psychology in women's health, in sexual issues related to women's health, and present future applications of primary care psychology to men's health"--Introduction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved).