Summary: | This book offers any librarian a quick primer on talking with young adults about topics of sex, drugs, alcohol, and violence. More teenagers than ever turn to librarians and teachers to ask private questions they are afraid to share with family and friends. This book offers any librarian a quick primer on talking with young adults about topics of sex, drugs, alcohol, and violence. Each chapter offers background information on a particular topic followed by real-world strategies for supporting teens who may ask for help, often indirectly. Chapters include sex, sexuality, homelessness, tattoos and piercings, dating violence, abuse, drugs and alcohol, emotional and mental health, and the juvenile justice system. YALSA blog manager mk Eagle offers real strategies for the issues teenagers face every day such as answers to specific questions about maintaining online sexual health resources, creating passive health displays, working in a school or community with abstinence-only values and/or curriculum, creating positive atmospheres for healthy discussions, making the library a safe space for everyone, and maintaining teen privacy when other teens speculate about a certain situation Readers discover how to develop protocol for all of the above situations, notice signs of abuse, report to the proper authorities, develop partnerships with agencies inside and outside the justice system, and provide much-needed mental health resources in a confidential way.