Summary: | J. Tranum-Jensen, A. Sziegoleit, and S. Bhakdi, Incorporation of Toxin Pores into Liposomes. C. Jolivet-Reynaud, H. Moreau, and J.E. Alouf, Assay Methods for Alpha Toxin from Clostridium perfringens: Phospholipase C.L.W. Daniel, L. King, and M. Kennedy, Phospholipase Activity of Bacterial Toxins. G.A. Bohach and P.M. Schlievert, Detection of Endotoxin by Enhancement with Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1 (TSST-1). M.S. Bergdoll, Ileal Loop Fluid Accumulation Test for Diarrheal Toxins. M.S. Bergdoll, Monkey Feeding Test for Staphyloccocal Enterotoxin. J.C.S. de Azavedo and J.P. Arbuthnott, Assays for Epidermolytic Toxin of Staphylococcus aureus. P.M. Schlievert, Immunochemical Assays for Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1. J.C.S. de Azavedo, R.N. Lucken, and J.P. Arbuthnott, Chick Embryo Assay for Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin-1. C. Montecucco, Photoreactive Lipids for the Study of Membrane-Penetrating Toxins. J. Tranum-Jensen, Electron Microscopy: Assays Involving Negative Staining. J. Tranum-Jensen, Electron Microscopy: Assays Involving Freeze-Fracture and Freeze-Etching. J. Reidler and J.P. Robinson, Two-Dimensional Crystals of Tetanus Toxin. Addenda. Author Index. Subject Index.