Summary: | Cardiovascular physician Dr. Shawna Nesbitt was born on November 10, 1963 in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. She was the first black student to complete the three-year pre-med program at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania and attend Hahnemann School of Medicine in Philadelphia, earning her M.D. degree in 1988. During her residency, Dr. James Ferraro inspired her to follow her passion in pursing research on hypertension. She went to the University of Michigan in 1991 and her mentor, Dr. Stevo Julius, invited her to stay as a lecturer after her fellowship. She met her husband, Thomas Nesbitt, in 1992. Nesbitt completed her M.S. degree in clinical research design at Michigan and moved to Dallas, Texas in 2001 to work at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She worked on the "Trial of Preventing Hypertension" or "TROPHY" study, which showed results that her team's hypothesis was correct. Nesbitt was an officer of International Society of Hypertension in Blacks.