Summary: | Real estate broker Eugene Henry Webb was born in Red Level, Alabama on November 24, 1918. After graduating from Parker High School in Birmingham, Alabama, Webb worked on the railroad as a dining car waiter, before serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II. Then Webb moved to Harlem, attended Columbia University, where he studied real estate appraisal, and began his career in real estate. In 1968, he opened his own real estate management brokerage, Webb & Brooker, Inc. Webb & Brooker became one of the most successful real estate management brokerage firms in Harlem. Webb was active in the Harlem community for decades, having been a part of the group that helped to found both Carver Federal Savings and Loan Bank and Freedom National Bank. Webb was member of the board of trustees of Cambridge College and Stillman College. He received honorary doctorates from Miles College and the New York Podiatric College of Medicine.