Summary: | Surveys the history of the Jews in Majorca, focusing on the period after the Aragonese conquest in 1229. Under the reign of Sancho I of AragoĢn, the community leaders were imposed with a heavy fine and the great synagogue was confiscated as punishment for helping two German Christians convert to Judaism. In 1391 violent pogroms took place, and in 1413 the Jews were enclosed in a ghetto and restricted to certain professions. Forced conversion of the entire community took place in 1435. However, the Inquisition was suspicious of the New Christians, and persecutions and autos-da-fes took place through the 17th century. The Inquisitor Fransesc Garau was active in persecuting Majorca's Jews. Social discrimination against the Chuetas, (descendants of Conversos) continued until the end of the 19th century. Includes a list of documents.