Hidden Bibliographic Details
Other title: | Visage nuptial. Soleil des eaux. Figures, doubles, prismes.
Other uniform titles: | Bryn-Julson, Phyllis.
Laurence, Elizabeth.
Boulez, Pierre, 1925-2016
Boulez, Pierre, 1925- Visage nuptial. 1990.
Boulez, Pierre, 1925- Soleil des eaux. 1990.
Boulez, Pierre, 1925- Figures, doubles, prismes. 1990.
Other authors / contributors: | BBC Singers.
BBC Symphony Orchestra.
Notes: | Words of 1st-2nd works by René Char. Compact disc. Durations: 30:00; 11:00; 20:43. Accompanied by program notes by Robert Piencikowksi and texts of 1st-2nd works with English and German translations (35 p.). Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano, Elizabeth Laurence, alto, BBC Singers (1st-2nd works) ; BBC Symphony Orchestra ; conducted by the composer. Recorded Mar. 1985 (3rd work) and Nov. 1989 (1st-2nd works), Studio 1, BBC, London.
Standard no.: | 2292454942
Publisher's no.: | 2292-45494-2 Erato