Summary: | "Progress in low-dimensional topology has been very fast in the last two decades, leading to the solutions of many difficult problems." "Among the highlights of this period are Casson's results on the Rohlin invariant of homotopy 3-spheres, as well as his [lambda]-invariant. The purpose of this book is to provide a much-needed bridge to these modern topics. The book covers some classical topics, such as Heegaard splittings, Dehn surgery, and invariants of knots and links. It proceeds through the Kirby calculus and Rohlin's theorem to Casson's invariant and its applications, and gives a brief sketch of links with the latest developments in low-dimensional topology and gauge theory." "The text will be accessible to graduate students in mathematics and theoretical physics familiar with some elementary algebraic topology, including the fundamental group, basic homology theory, and Poincare duality on manifolds."--Jacket.