Summary: | This book follows recent artists in a vein of second-wave of Conceptual art practice dubbed Conceptualism 2.0--in works shadowed by the digital if not directly employing it: works that negotiate a sensory space between medium specificity, in the high modernist mode, and recent claims for the "convergence" of platforms in the electronic vanishing point of global computerization. In objects and installations increasingly designated as "art research," divided up here into two Scenes (one of still, one of moving, images), and regularly involving extensive paratextual explanation in catalog copy or on gallery walls, this work specifies an interface between--and operating across (trans)--separate media forms, whose intersection is materialized, and thereby analyzed, in works resistant to the leveling hegemony of the digital. These are transmedial images or structures--their object, art--that insist not on a coherent and fetishized specificity but on a dialectical specification